On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Daniel Rock wrote:

> Bruce Evans schrieb:
> >On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, D. Rock wrote:
> >>with 'uncommon' block sizes fsck seems to have problems finding the
> >>superblock:
> >
> >fsck_ffs has no problems here with (whole) md disk of the same size.
> >Perhaps I have fixed the problem without noticing.  dumpfs or comparison
> >with a non-broken filesystem of the same size might show the problem.
> The problem seems to be introduced with the UFS2 import. In
> src/sbin/fsck_ffs/setup.c the sanity checks are more tightly formulated.
> Especially one check was added:
>                             sblock.fs_bsize >= SBLOCKSIZE
> this fails on 4K file systems, because fs_bsize is only 4096, but
> SBLOCKSIZE is defined as 8192. The sanity checks for searching alternate

Ah.  In fact, I have fixed this without noticing that it was so broken.
The sanity test is obviously insane, since the minimum block size (4K)
has been smaller than the maximum superblock size (SBLOCKSIZE = 8K)
forever.  I reduced the minimum block size (MINBSIZE) to 512 some time
ago and had to fix similar problems in the kernel.  The ufs2 changes
added similar problems in many utilities.

> superblocks are more relaxed (in readsb() the first if branch is
> entered, not the else branch), so during searching for alternate
> superblocks the very same sb that was rejected in the first run (at
> offset 8192) will be used.
> Possible solutions:
>     * remove above sanity check
>     * does SBLOCKSIZE really have to be 8192, in real it is much smaller
>       (less than 2KB)

The super block size is given by fs_sbsize, and newfs is happy to set it
to much smaller than 8192.  I tried to reduce it as much as possible.
IIRC, it gets rounded up to a multiple of the block size, so it can be
4K but no smaller when the block size is 4K.  It can be 1536 if the block
block size is 512, but no smaller since sizeof(struct fs) is 1376.  I
think the removal of rotdelay stuff makes its size always the same as
that of struct fs (rounded up).  dumpfs output:

magic   11954 (UFS1)    time    Thu Sep  5 06:06:17 2002
id      [ 3d7667b9 39a059fe ]
ncg     9       size    8192    blocks  7475
bsize   512     shift   9       mask    0xfffffe00
fsize   512     shift   9       mask    0xfffffe00
frag    1       shift   0       fsbtodb 0
minfree 8%      optim   time    symlinklen 60
maxbpg  64      maxcontig 256   contigsumsize 16
nbfree  7474    ndir    1       nifree  2121    nffree  0
cpg     1       bpg     937     fpg     937     ipg     236
nindir  128     inopb   4       nspf    1       maxfilesize     1082202111
sbsize  1536    cgsize  512     cgoffset 0      cgmask  0xffffffff
csaddr  108     cssize  512
rotdelay 0ms    rps     60      trackskew 0     interleave 1
nsect   937     npsect  937     spc     937
sblkno  32      cblkno  48      iblkno  49      dblkno  108
cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   1
flags   none

BTW, dumpfs's error handling has been broken by conversion to libufs.
libufs in -current has slightly different insane sanity checks, and
when these fail dumpfs prints "dumpfs: /dev/md0: No such file or
directory" despite it just having opened and read from that file.  It
used to print "dumpfs: Cannot find filesystem superblock".

>     * drop support for 4K block sizes completely, but this breaks
>       backwards compatibility

I use patches like the following for the sanity checks:

Index: setup.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sbin/fsck_ffs/setup.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -2 -r1.38 setup.c
--- setup.c     21 Aug 2002 18:10:28 -0000      1.38
+++ setup.c     22 Aug 2002 01:36:30 -0000
@@ -316,6 +314,6 @@
                                  numfrags(&sblock, sblock_try[i]))) &&
                            sblock.fs_ncg >= 1 &&
-                           sblock.fs_bsize >= SBLOCKSIZE &&
-                           sblock.fs_bsize >= sizeof(struct fs))
+                           sblock.fs_bsize <= MAXBSIZE &&
+                           sblock.fs_sbsize <= SBLOCKSIZE)


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