PHK, I salute you!

  -- Hiten

--- Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, we've reached a milestone which have been on the radar for 8½
> years, at least for some of us:
> GEOM is far from done yet, but unless I have overlooked something,
> it now meets and in may areas exceeds the capabilities of the previous
> code, and therefore the time is ripe for the change.
> Throughout history, there has always been a tradition for rallying
> the forces with a bit of pep-talk on the eve of a battle, so bear
> with me if this email gets to be a bit philosphical, but I have
> some things I want to say to you guys.
> Times are changing, and the world around us as well.  We are no
> longer a tiny volunteer hobby project, we are now a player in one
> of the most cut-throat businesses on the planet, next only to
> narcotics (legal and medical) and weapons.
> Remember that.
> Just as well as the rest of the old-timers, I remember how UNIX
> used to run on 16 bit computers, the simplicity, the elegance
> and all that which we fell in love with.  And I still admire
> the people who made that possible.
> Our job, and our challenge, is to continue the tradition they
> started, standing on their shoulders, reaching forever higher.
> Freezing time, sticking to traditions, or sticking to standards
> which try reduce diversity and thereby inovation, is not what the
> way to do that, neither is sailing out across the wide blue ocean
> without map and compas.
> Operating systems, just as people, are a product of their time,
> and if they stop innovating, fail to develop with the world
> around then, they will stagnate, and die.
> Our task is to stay alive and kicking, our challenge is to
> be ahead of our time and the rest of the pack.
> And that is the first point I would like to make:  If it wasn't
> for the bikeshed it would produce, I would like to propose
> that starting right after then 5.0 branch, we rename our
> HEAD revision from "-current" to "-future".
> What goes in in current is by nature, and our release cycle, one
> to two years ahead of our main userbase.  We should have in -current
> what they will be asking for 12 months down the road.
> Remember that.
> GEOM is not ahead of the curve like that, infact is is way behind.
> GEOM should have been put in the tree before ccd(4), before
> PC98, alpha and in particular before vinum(4).
> Just like the VFS/Vnode concept or the protocol stack, GEOM is a
> frame-work, or if you prefer: infrastructure component, meant to
> make FreeBSD much more able and flexible than it ever were before.
> Now that GEOM is in the tree, we can clean up the various hacks
> which were made due to the lack of infrastructure between VNODEs
> and diskdevices: ccd, vinum, disklabel, diskslice and all that.
> And we can start to add new functionality using the flexibility
> and clean architecture it offers us.
> And that brings me to the next point I want to make:
> The reason it has taken me 8 years to do it, is mostly that I wanted
> it done right, not just another "quick hack to get it working", and
> that meant taking the long way rather than a short cut, and it
> meant paving a couple of new roads because the old ones would not
> be able to carry the load.
> Road-construction is never a nice thing, at least not until it
> is done and over with, but it is a necessary part of the lifecycle.
> GEOM has been a long journey for me, its been a long journey for
> you and for all the users as well.  There have been fights, there
> have been disagreement and there have been a lot of hard work.
> Most of this could probably have been avoided, one way or another,
> but likely as not, we will never entirely avoid it in a volounteer
> project spanning the globe.
> It worries me however, to realize how tough an ass-hole I have
> had to be, in order to get to stick to the principle of doing
> things right, rather than "just hack it in".
> The best way to destroy FreeBSD in the long term, is to let our
> infrastructure rot.
> Nailing a thing on it here, sticking a cute feature there, making
> an assumption in this place, it all slowly but surely erodes
> the strength of the infrastructure.
> We have a number of features in the kernel which have their merits
> but which carries a heavy cost on our infrastructure.  I have
> probably better give you a random example here to make sure I don't
> get misunderstood:
> UFS snapshots are a cool thing, and I love background fsck as much
> as the next guy.  But in order to be able to implement it, Kirk
> either had to redo the entire buffer cache/VM system to support the
> primitives he needed, or he could reach down and stick a wedge in
> between SPECFS and the disk drivers.  If modernizing buf/VM wasn't
> easy before, this certainly wont make it any easier now.
> But I don't blame Kirk, he was not out to fix our infrastructure,
> he was out to add snapshots to UFS.
> But it is a good example of the price we pay for not having our
> infrastructure in shape:  It gets circumvented, and the price
> for straigthening it out just increased as a result of that.
> Circumvent, hack around and disregard the infrastructure, if you
> need to, but do realize, that is what kills software.
> Remember that.
> Most people are not interested in working on infrastructure, and I
> don't blame them.  There is little glory in doing so.  In fact it's
> about the most irritating thing you can do to people: redo the floor
> under their feet.
> Fortunately we do have some people who care, and a few nutcases
> like me who really dig it.
> But even a dedicated handful of infrastructure people will not
> be able to stem the tide of the cummulative erosion from the
> rest of the project:  You guys cannot escape thinking and caring
> for our infrastructure, even if you don't have to fix it yourself.
> So if I may propose a battle-cry as we approach -current after
> 5.0-R, it would be an adaptation of an sailors rule which is as old
> as sailing itself:  "One hand for you, one hand for the ship".
> "One hand for your own code, and one hand for the infrastructure".
> We have several areas of the kernel which is in disrepair, the
> worst is buf/VM, but there are others as well.
> We also have people who are willing to look at it, attempt to make
> it better, and those people are as good as we were when we started,
> so why shouldn't we let them try ?
> All I ask of you, is that you don't make their task as hard
> as mine have been.
> Remember that too.
> Finally, on a personal note Peters commitstats say I have been
> committing to the kernel on average every 16 hours for the last
> year.  It feels that way too.
> That would not have been possible if it wasn't for the research
> grant which Robert Watson and NAI Labs managed to secure for
> all sorts of FreeBSD work.  
> So therefore Robert, whether you like it or not, I would like
> to dedicate GEOM to you:  If it wasn't for your hard work, endless
> meetings and interminable production of presentations, we would
> never have gotten this bit of infrastructure straightened out.
> Thank you very very much!
> And now is the time for me to shut up, and for time and practical
> experience will have to judge if I delivered on the promises I made
> along the way.
> Thanks for listening,
> Poul-Henning
> -- 
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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