
I am running current cvsuped within this week. I have an adaptec 
builtin scsi controller and a seagate drive attached to it and
after every bootup as soon as there is heavy disk activity 
the drive gets disabled for 1 or 2 minutes and meanwhile all
functionality RELATED to disk I/O freezes for this time duration
eventually I see the following messages on console and every
thing is hunky dorry again. Have had this problem ever since I
upgraded to current. Stable never had any problem. neither did
netbsd which ran on this machine for a little while. 
Can anyone familiar with this device driver comment.
Is it also coincidentally possible that the disk starts 
showing its age right when I switched to current .... nah too 
much of coincidence. anyway here are the messages:

(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): SCB 0x31 - timed out
ahc0: Dumping Card State while idle, at SEQADDR 0x8
ACCUM = 0x0, SINDEX = 0x3, DINDEX = 0xe4, ARG_2 = 0x0
HCNT = 0x0 SCBPTR = 0x17
SCSISEQ = 0x12, SBLKCTL = 0x6
 DFCNTRL = 0x0, DFSTATUS = 0x89
LASTPHASE = 0x1, SCSISIGI = 0x0, SXFRCTL0 = 0x80
SSTAT0 = 0x0, SSTAT1 = 0xa
STACK == 0x0, 0x165, 0x10d, 0x3
SCB count = 90
Kernel NEXTQSCB = 66
Card NEXTQSCB = 66
QINFIFO entries: 
Waiting Queue entries: 
Disconnected Queue entries: 4:10 6:49 0:30 31:37 28:7 1:14 30:13 16:24 5:43 21:34 9:44 
20:33 24:0 2:36 17:28 18:22 14:2 11:54 19:8 29:11 13:17 8:50 27:39 3:46 25:6 26:47 
12:18 22:58 7:4 15:16 10:59 
QOUTFIFO entries: 
Sequencer Free SCB List: 23 
Sequencer SCB Info: 0(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x1e) 1(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0xe) 2(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x24) 3(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2e) 4(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 
0xa) 5(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2b) 6(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x31) 7(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 
0, t 0x4) 8(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x32) 9(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2c) 10(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0, t 0x3b) 11(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x36) 12(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x12) 
13(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x11) 14(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2) 15(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, 
t 0x10) 16(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x18) 17(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x1c) 18(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0, t 0x16) 19(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x8) 20(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x21) 21(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x22) 22(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x3a) 23(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0, t 
0xff) 24(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x0) 25(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x6) 26(c 0x64, s 0x37, 
l 0, t 0x2f) 27(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x27) 28(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x7) 29(c 0x64, 
s 0x37, l 0, t 0xb) 30(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0xd) 31(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x25) 
Pending list: 10(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 30(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 5(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 
0), 42(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 37(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 7(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 14(c 
0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 13(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 29(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 27(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0), 41(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 45(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 69(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 
25(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 12(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 20(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 1(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0), 51(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 32(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 57(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 
55(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 26(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 21(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 35(c 0x64, 
s 0x37, l 0), 9(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 19(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 15(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 
0), 31(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 56(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 67(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 38(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 53(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 40(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 68(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0), 48(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 24(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 43(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
34(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 44(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 33(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 0(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 36(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 28(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 22(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
2(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 54(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 8(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 11(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 17(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 50(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 39(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
46(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 6(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 47(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 18(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 58(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 4(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 16(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
23(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 52(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 59(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 49(c 0x60, 
s 0x37, l 0)
Kernel Free SCB list: 3 87 65 88 89 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 60 61 62 63 64 86 85 
84 83 82 81 80 
sg[0] - Addr 0x8284000 : Length 4096
sg[1] - Addr 0xcb45000 : Length 4096
sg[2] - Addr 0x7dc6000 : Length 4096
sg[3] - Addr 0x8d87000 : Length 4096
sg[4] - Addr 0xdd68000 : Length 4096
sg[5] - Addr 0x7c09000 : Length 4096
sg[6] - Addr 0x9fca000 : Length 4096
sg[7] - Addr 0xe6eb000 : Length 4096
sg[8] - Addr 0xfa4c000 : Length 4096
sg[9] - Addr 0xb3cd000 : Length 4096
sg[10] - Addr 0x1074e000 : Length 4096
sg[11] - Addr 0x9a0f000 : Length 4096
sg[12] - Addr 0x83d0000 : Length 4096
sg[13] - Addr 0xaf11000 : Length 4096
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Queuing a BDR SCB
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Bus Device Reset Message Sent
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): no longer in timeout, status = 34b
ahc0: Bus Device Reset on A:3. 62 SCBs aborted
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 0 0 56 7d cf 0 0 70 0 
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,0
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred field replaceable 
unit: 2
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Retrying Command (per Sense Data)
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): SCB 0xf - timed out
ahc0: Dumping Card State while idle, at SEQADDR 0x9
ACCUM = 0x0, SINDEX = 0x0, DINDEX = 0xe4, ARG_2 = 0x0
HCNT = 0x0 SCBPTR = 0x5
SCSISEQ = 0x12, SBLKCTL = 0x6
 DFCNTRL = 0x0, DFSTATUS = 0x89
LASTPHASE = 0x1, SCSISIGI = 0x0, SXFRCTL0 = 0x80
SSTAT0 = 0x0, SSTAT1 = 0xa
STACK == 0xec, 0x165, 0x10d, 0x3
SCB count = 90
Kernel NEXTQSCB = 67
Card NEXTQSCB = 67
QINFIFO entries: 
Waiting Queue entries: 
Disconnected Queue entries: 27:47 25:38 11:1 13:32 19:43 1:50 18:11 14:8 17:2 3:22 
2:28 24:34 20:23 30:52 22:59 7:49 15:56 26:4 12:7 23:14 10:29 6:57 4:55 9:36 29:21 
8:68 0:42 16:19 31:45 28:69 21:12 
QOUTFIFO entries: 
Sequencer Free SCB List: 5 
Sequencer SCB Info: 0(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2a) 1(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x32) 2(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x1c) 3(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x16) 4(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 
0x37) 5(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0, t 0xff) 6(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x39) 7(c 0x64, s 0x37, 
l 0, t 0x31) 8(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x44) 9(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x24) 10(c 0x64, 
s 0x37, l 0, t 0x1d) 11(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x1) 12(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x7) 
13(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x20) 14(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x8) 15(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, 
t 0x38) 16(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x13) 17(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2) 18(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0, t 0xb) 19(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2b) 20(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x17) 21(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0xc) 22(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x3b) 23(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 
0xe) 24(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x22) 25(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x26) 26(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0, t 0x4) 27(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x2f) 28(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x45) 29(c 
0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x15) 30(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 0x34) 31(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0, t 
Pending list: 47(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 38(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 58(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 
0), 46(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 33(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 20(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 1(c 
0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 51(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 32(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 43(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 50(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 17(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 11(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
8(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 54(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 18(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 2(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 22(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 28(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 34(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 
23(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 52(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 59(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 49(c 0x60, 
s 0x37, l 0), 56(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 4(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 16(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 
0), 7(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 14(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 13(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 29(c 
0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 27(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 41(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 9(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0), 31(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 10(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 66(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 
30(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 5(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 57(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 55(c 0x60, s 
0x37, l 0), 40(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 36(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 39(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 
21(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 68(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 35(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 6(c 0x64, s 
0x37, l 0), 42(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 37(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 26(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 
44(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 19(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 48(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 53(c 0x64, 
s 0x37, l 0), 24(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 45(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 69(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 
0), 25(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0), 12(c 0x60, s 0x37, l 0), 15(c 0x64, s 0x37, l 0)
Kernel Free SCB list: 0 3 87 65 88 89 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 60 61 62 63 64 86 
85 84 83 82 81 80 
sg[0] - Addr 0x10ae4000 : Length 4096
sg[1] - Addr 0xf2e5000 : Length 4096
sg[2] - Addr 0x9a26000 : Length 4096
sg[3] - Addr 0x9b67000 : Length 4096
sg[4] - Addr 0x10c28000 : Length 4096
sg[5] - Addr 0x8b09000 : Length 4096
sg[6] - Addr 0xaaca000 : Length 4096
sg[7] - Addr 0x7b4b000 : Length 4096
sg[8] - Addr 0xe22c000 : Length 4096
sg[9] - Addr 0x93ed000 : Length 4096
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Queuing a BDR SCB
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Bus Device Reset Message Sent
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): no longer in timeout, status = 34b
ahc0: Bus Device Reset on A:3. 61 SCBs aborted
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): WRITE(10). CDB: 2a 0 0 56 de 4f 0 0 50 0 
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,0
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred field replaceable 
unit: 2
(da0:ahc0:0:3:0): Retrying Command (per Sense Data)

thanks in advance for any replies 
Saurabh Gupta

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