Horen wrote:
> Now the missing facts:
>    4.x binaries will not run on 5.0, lib.c inconsistency.

You are not running the most recent 5.x.  We can't help you, I

>    Identical XFree86 sources compiled nativly on 4.6, 4.7 and 5.0.
>    4.6-4.7: no problem
>    5.0: logout from X blocks the graphic card, Matrox MGA 400
>         and also Nvidia GeForce2 MX200

Different compilers.  You have failed to narrow the problem down;
here's where it might be:

1)      In the configuration code
2)      In the difference in the patches between the versions of
        the ports tree for X11
3)      In the X11 libraries' handling of threads
4)      In the 5.x implementation of pthreads
5)      In the GCC compiler optimizer
6)      In the GCC compiler code generator
7)      In the X11 source code; there are certain assumptions
        that the new compiler makes which it was always permissable
        for it to make, but which the old compiler did not make,
        even though it was allowed to (i.e. a revealed bug in the
        X11 sources)
8)      A bug in the AGP (/dev/agpart) code
9)      A bug in the ACPI handling of monitor power-down code
10)     A bug in the ACPI BIOS information of your computer itself
11)     In a mismatch between kernel and kernel module versions
12)     In a difference in the values of manifest constants

> I doubt, that something else than OS  related issues are the
> cause.

Doubt it all you want; from the small amount of information you
have provided us, it looks to me like there is a possibility
that it's 50% non-OS-releated.

> Switched back to 4.7 , will try again 5.0 in few weeks.

If it happens again, be sure and give us useful information,

o       Since Warner fixed the libc incompatabilities, have
        you installed the 4.7 version of X11 on 5.x, and does
        the problem still happen?
o       Does it happen if ACPI isn't loaded?
o       Does it happen with the Xvga server, or only with the
        accelerated server?
o       Are you on a laptop or a desktop?
o       If a desktop, does turning the monitor off and back on
        "fix" the problem for you?
o       What the checkout date for your 5.x source tree?  It's
        unlikely that someone would be willing to spend 30 hours
        duplicating your test environment, but you never know...
o       The results of any discriminating tests for the possible
        causes, per the list, earlier in this email.

-- Terry

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