Vallo Kallaste wrote:
> Sorry forgot to add one detail. Althought dd'ing the same file to
> smbfs mount works, it'll sometimes modify the file being copied
> (size is different). It doesn't happen reliably, sometimes the file
> is copied fine, sometimes not. At the times the file isn't copied
> right there's an error message:
> root:vallo# dd if=testfile of=/mnt/vallo/test1
> dd: /mnt/vallo/test1: Bad address
> 9356+0 records in
> 9355+0 records out
> 4789760 bytes transferred in 20.350003 secs (235369 bytes/sec)
> It seems to me that adding conv=sync flag to dd removes the
> abovementioned failure case. 10 tries of dd with this flag added did
> fine.

The 'conv-sync' flag to 'dd' pads the operation out to a record
boundary, if the input of the operation is not a full record in

This observation is consistent with an incomplete final write,
for lack of data.  Probably this has to do with the TCP_PUSH
option and/or the SMB server's connection flags.

-- Terry

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