On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:49:34AM +0100, Philip Paeps wrote the words in effect of:
>   | [...]
>   | vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
>   | unknown: <PNP0303> can't assign resources (port)
>   | unknown: <PNP0f13> can't assign resources (irq)
>   | unknown: <PNP0c02> can't assign resources (port)
>   | unknown: <PNP0501> can't assign resources (port)
>   | unknown: <PNP0700> can't assign resources (port)
>   | unknown: <PNP0401> can't assign resources (port)
>   | unknown: <PNP0501> can't assign resources (port)
>   | Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
>   | ahc0: Someone reset channel A
>   | [...]
>   All my hardware (the stuff I've tested anyway) appears to work.  Any idea
>   which device is being unknown, or how I could find out?

Hi there.

Can you try changing the hardware tunable, hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range,
to the value of 1 in your loader.conf.  I think this should do it.  You can
then check this value after you booted by `sysctl hw.pci`.

>  2. This one's the most irritating.  I use Mutt as my mailclient using
>     Maildirs for storage.  It occasionally happens that Mutt just 'hangs'
>       reading a directory, and there's no way for me to kill it.  Ps axl shows
>       it as being in state Ds or Ds+ and blocked by ufs.

Hmm, this also happens in the case of dd(1).  If you invoke dd(1) as:

        # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/somefile

As you can see, it gets stuck when not provided with a count variable.
It hangs in the `ufs' state.  I am currently looking into this.  I am
thinking, this is because a 0 byte file is found disturbing.

>  3. I can't seem to restart my machine properly.  This might be related to the
>     above, as the only reason for me to restart the machine is the fact that I
>       can't kill Mutt however much I try, and really would like to read my mail.
>       It will sync disks and say 'done', but then it just sits there doing
>       nothing until I flip the power-switch.

Exactly the same thing happens when any process hangs in the `ufs'
state.  It syncs the disks, when you `shutdown` or `fastboot`.  This
indicates a bug in the kernel.

> As I said, I'm happy to help analyse and debug these issues, but I don't know
> where to look :-)  

Can you try using `ktrace`, like this:

        root# ktrace mutt (or the command which makes it hang)
        root# kdump -f ktrace.out (this is the output needed)



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