Pardon sending this to both stable and current, but this is
relevant to both and the code paths may be different...

I just acquired a usb "mass" device which partly identifies.
This is a "Dazzle" multi-card reader.  The CF slot works fine;
identifies as da0, and though it is slower than the cf pcmcia
adapter, does work.  (my crazy Vaio R505 still doesn't handle
any pcmcia/cardbus in either stable or current; the first usb
works fine in both stable and current, and both the internal 
memorystick device and firewire work in current but not stable.)

console output (with a 128mb cf card present on insertion) is:
umass0: SCM Microsystems Inc. eUSB ORCA Quad Reader, rev 1.10/5.07, addr 2
umass0:1:0:-1: Attached to scbus1 as device 0
pass0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
pass0: <eUSB Compact Flash 5.07> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
pass0: Serial Number 21M82CFC1Y09C11125Z3
pass0: 650KB/s transfers
Creating DISK da0
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <eUSB Compact Flash 5.07> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da0: Serial Number 21M82CFC1Y09C11125Z3
da0: 650KB/s transfers
da0: 122MB (250368 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 122C)
umass0: Invalid CSW: tag 0 should be 11
da0s1: type 0x6, start 32, end = 250111, size 250080 : OK
umass0: Invalid CSW: tag 0 should be 11728

The Invalid CSW messages seem to not affect anything, but they
probably shouldn't be there either...  I do see the code that prints
it but don't know enough about the umass spec to tell anything.

The other slot is multiple; it handles SmartMedia, MM/SD cards,
and memory-sticks.  It is not found by the usb event handler
or camcontrol at all.  The directions do say that this device 
shows up in windoze as 2 drives (I haven't tried it yet, under any
of 95, 98, or XP).  Apparently our usb event handler doesn't expect 
to find 2 devices, or pass doesn't expect 2 devices beyond it in 
a single scan?  

One thing I don't know about this device is whether it looks like 2 usb
devices, or a single pass device with 2 da devices, or a drive
with 2 lun's (I can't think of any other possiblilties, though there
may be more).  I also don't know how to tell from the output of 
usbd with lots of -v's and/or camcontrol with lots of -v's; both 
only find one thing from this adapter as far as I can see.

What do I compile with more debug flags turned on?  usb.c and umass.c,
I presume; usbd appears to just want more -v's for that effect.  

Or, is there a quirk entry that could be done to make this thing show
up right?  Or do multiple devices just not work, like modem/enet
combo cards under OLDCARD?

-- Pete

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