On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 09:24:39PM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

> Okay, I must be losing my mind.  Does anyone know why the following
> program compiled with stock gcc-3.2.1, stock CFLAGS, and no CPUTYPE
> produces:
> ddy.quot = 1
> ddy.rem = -1077937744
> on -CURRENT, and:
> ddy.quot = 8
> ddy.rem = 0
> On -stable?
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> main(void) {
>     div_t ddy;
>     int dy, dy_frac;
>     ddy = div (768, 96);
>     dy = ddy.quot;
>     dy_frac = ddy.rem;
>     printf("ddy.quot = %d\n", dy);
>     printf("ddy.rem = %d\n", dy_frac);
>     return 0;
> }
> > cc -O -pipe -o xxx xxx.c
> I'm doing something wrong, right?  I mean, this can't be right.  I've
> verified this now on a P4 running:

I can reproduce it here. It looks like gcc is using a strange calling
convention that the i386 div.S does not understand (MI div.c seems to, though).

It's generating the following code:
0x8048541 <main+9>:     mov    $0x0,%eax
0x8048546 <main+14>:    sub    %eax,%esp
0x8048548 <main+16>:    lea    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax
0x804854b <main+19>:    sub    $0x4,%esp
0x804854e <main+22>:    push   $0x60
0x8048550 <main+24>:    push   $0x300
0x8048555 <main+29>:    push   %eax
0x8048556 <main+30>:    call   0x80483ec <div>
0x804855b <main+35>:    add    $0xc,%esp

At the time of the call to div():
(gdb) x/4w $esp
0xbfbffbbc:     0x0804855b      0xbfbffbe8      0x00000300      0x00000060

It looks like gcc might be pushing the address of "ddy" and expecting div()
to put the result in there.

Microsoft C 12 generates this code:
        sub     esp, 8
        push    96                                      ; 00000060H
        push    768                                     ; 00000300H
        call    _div
        add     esp, 8
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp], eax
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp+4], edx


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