Thanks John, a fresh install was probably a good idea anyway to at
least get rid of all the junk that just seems to accumulate :)

I now have 5.0 installed.  I first tried a custom install booting from
floppies and installing from the CD, but it still wouldn't mount the CD.
So I put 4.7 back on (minimal) and created a new partition while I was
at it.  I mounted the CD and copied /cdrom/base and /cdrom/boot to it.
Rebooted from floppies and installed successfully.  After that I was
able to add other distributions from the CD.

Everything seems to be working with one small problem.  Actually it's a
big problem.  No cardbus.  Here's the boot messages (typed manually):

cbb0: <TI1130 PCI-CardBus Bridge> at device 19.0 on pci0
cardbus0: <CardBus bus> on cbb0
pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on cbb0
cbb: Unable to map IRQ...
device_probe_and_attach: cbb0 attach returned 12
cbb0: <TI1130 PCI-CardBus Bridge> mem 0x88000000-0x88000fff at device 19.1 on pci0
cardbus1: <CardBus bus> on cbb0
pccard1: <16-bit PCCard bus> on cbb0
cbb: Unable to map IRQ...
device_probe_and_attach: cbb0 attach returned 12

Later in the boot I had a few of those "can't assign resources" messages
but digging thru the mail archives I found that they're nothing to worry
about.  The mouse port is one of them and the stick works fine.  I have
hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range set to 1 but upon further reading it
was expected that it didn't change anything.

I rebuilt the kernel (added sound support) but after reboot the above
still happens.

Does anyone have any suggestions (besides playing football with it)?

Thanks in advance,

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, John Baldwin wrote:

> On 16-Jan-2003 Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure where to ask this.  5.0 isn't released yet so I don't think
> > questions is the place but since it's on a laptop I'll try here.  If
> > there's a better list for it, let me know and I'll bounce it there too.
> > Just before sending this I also included Current.
> >
> > I have a Micron Transport XPE.  I need to run 5.0 for the cardbus support.
> > It has the TI 1130 Cardbus in it.
> >
> > The problem is the CD won't boot.  The 4.7 CD boots in it fine, and the
> > 5.0 CD that I burned from the ISO image boots fine in another computer.
> > I've tried both miniinst and disk1 images.
> >
> > I get the CD Loader message and everything up to Starting...  Then it all
> > goes downhill.
> >
> > BTX loader 1.00   BTX version is 1.01
> >
> > int=00000005  err=00000000    efl=00010286    eip=0001768c
> > eax=00000000  ebx=00000000    ecx=00000000    edx=00000000
> > esi=00000000  edi=00000000    epb=00000000    esp=00094824
> >
> > cs=002b       ds=0033 es=0033 fs=0033 gs=0033 ss=0033
> >
> > cs:eip=       62 61 73 65 20 61 74 20-25 70 2c 20 74 6f 70 20
> >       61 74 20 25 70 0a 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >
> > ss:esp=       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> >
> > BTX halted
> >
> > Ugly, huh?
> Eek, your CD drive must be hosed or something.  It's trying to
> execute text:
> "base at %p, top at %p" (that's the stuff at CS:EIP) and is
> getting badly confused as a result.
> > So I yank out the battery, run it on the AC adapter and plug
> > in the floppy.  Now I have the CD and the floppy to work with.
> > I made up the two floppies, it boots up, it complains about not
> > being able to load if_awi.ko, I tell it to keep going and up
> > comes the menu.
> >
> > I select UPGRADE (it has 4.7 on it now), choose some distribution
> > stuff, go into the label editor (there's no way to tell it what
> > partition is the swap partition without deleting it and recreating
> > it), set the mount point and hit Q.
> For an upgrade to 5.0, the upgrade facility is probably a bad idea.
> Backing up your data and doing a fresh install is probably the safest
> way to upgrade. :-/
> --
> John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><
> "Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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