> >My guess is that vinum scanned the disks when starting, but found
> >nothing on it.
> And forgot to close them again ?

At least from a cursory review of the code, no.  It closes them
again unless a valid vinum configuration has been found.

OK, i'll look once again.

> >However, my really concern is what i wrote in the subject: i do want
> >something like an option -f for all of this.
> GEOM will not allow you to do things which will panic your kernel,
> and I'm not going to add that facility, we already have enough
> panic(8) implementations if you want one.

It wouldn't have paniced it at all, since i /knew/ nothing was open
on it.  As i wrote, i want to shoot into my foot.  There are more
ways to do it, like low-level formatting the drive (which is fortunately
out of the control of GEOM).

``will not allow you'' -- well, this now sounds like the best reasoning
for me to drop GEOM from my kernels, sorry.  As long as you can't
guarantee GEOM is 100 % bug free, the backdoor is IMHO always required.
See the disklabel it would not allow to overwrite me that wasn't even
a valid label at all since it was at the beginning of a partition, not
of a drive (you never responded to that mail).

> I tried to say that if you tried da0c it should stop you, not that
> it should work.

It already stopped me when accessing /dev/da0, so why try something
more obscure?  Sorry, you've lost me.
cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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