:02:59:24 -0800 (PST).  The date/time stamp on the message that I am 
:replying to is Sat, 1 Feb 2003 10:47:44 -0800 (PST).  That's 
:something around seven hours and forty-five minutes, unless I have 
:       Is it really normal to expect replies within that kind of a time 
:frame, especially since we're talking about 3:00 AM to 10:45 AM, and 
:most people are likely to be asleep?  Granted, not everyone is in 
:PST, but it's still a relatively quiet period of time for most people 
:       I'm not questioning the patch at all, just the apparent impatience.
:Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Well, it is an active conversation/thread.  Either people care enough
    to stay involved or they don't.  Considering how much time has been
    wasted so far bickering back and forth over a commit that was *almost*
    corrected before the inevitable calls for a backout, and the fairly 
    hostile history between some of the participants, I can understand 
    Julian's impatience.


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