On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Paul Mather wrote:
> Yesterday evening I upgraded a Gateway 450 laptop from 5.0-RELEASE-p3
> to 5.0-CURRENT.  Unfortunately, as a byproduct of that upgrade,
> I can no longer start X.  Instead, it now aborts with Signal 10. :-(


> Has anyone else experienced problems with X ceasing to work after a
> 5.0-RELEASE -> 5.0-CURRENT upgrade??  I did not change X at all during
> the upgrade.  All I did was rebuilt world and kernel, as per
> /usr/src/UPDATING.  After discovering X no longer worked, I rebuilt my
> X server and X libraries ports via portupgrade -f, but still have the
> same problem.

I posted the same exact problem on this list last week (see "What
broke X between 5.0R and recent current?" as subject line).

I got two suggestions.  One was to upgrade to the latest
version of XFree86, and the other was to add an explicit
mode line for the screen size to your XF86Config file.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the latter suggestion until
I had went through the pain and effort of getting the
latest version of XFree86 (right from the CVS repo, the
last 4.3 release candidate did _not_ work) and rebuilding
it and KDE.

The good news is that it works with XFree86 from their CVS
repo.  I didn't use a port to build it, I just cvsup'd
their tree and did a 'make World' and it just worked.
Be forwarned though; upgrading to this version of X broke
KDE and it needed to be rebuilt.  KDE does not build
cleanly under -current, but I only needed to make 3 small
changes so that it would; I've lost them now, but I think
all you really need to do is add includes of:

        #include <sys/types.h>
        #include <sys/time.h>
        #include <sys/resource.h>

to the files that break.

If this helps you at all, send thanks to Steve Kargl

Dan Eischen

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