Mike Barcroft wrote:
> Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Tim Robbins wrote:
> > > Is there a compelling reason why I shouldn't remove netns? That is, does
> > > it serve a purpose now that it could not serve if it was moved to the
> > > Attic?
> >
> > Might as well move /sys/i386/conf/GENERIC to the attic while
> > you are at it.  It can serve it's purpose from there, too.
> This comment is not helpful.

Then let me politically correct it.

I am cynical about the ability of any code to serve the same purpose
from the Attic which it serves in the main source tree.

What of the rest of my comment, which you removed?  I'll
rephrase that, too:

Is there a compelling reason for removing this working code to
the Attic?

I am cynical that any purpose is served by making this change;
my cynicism leads me to believe that the intention of it is to
make it easier for someone to hack up other code which uses
related API's, without having to hack up the netns code as

In other words, it is being done to avoid maintenance, so that
code changes may be hurried into the source tree.

This upsets me, in that it seems to me that if someone makes
an API change in one place, and avoids it in another, then
the person who best understands the API change will be later
unavailable to correct the code in which they avoided making
the change.  This is because, by avoiding the change in the
first place, they have expressed a disinterest in making the
change in the code in question.

I would feel much more comfortable, were mainting older code,
rather than diking it out, made part of the cost associated
with making the API change in question.

In other words, in order to write new code, it is sometimes
necessary to maintain old code, and that maintenance is part
of the price you must pay to the project in order to have
your new code accepted.

If this can not be accomplished, then I would submit that the
new code be documented sufficiently before the dikeing out of
the older code, such that someone else may take on the task
of converting the code.

Further, I suggest that there be some collaboration between
the person making the changes, and anyone who wants to step
forward in defense of the older code, such that there is an
opportunity to correct the old code before it is diked out.

In other words, it seems to me that the dike out is a "first
strike" attack on code which will not LINT, following changes
which are currently stored in someone local source tree, and
the intent here is to dike out the code, and quickly follow
it up with a set of commits which will kill it.  Thus preventing
it from "serving it's same purpose from the Attic".

Practically, and historically, it seems that there are a lot
of instances, recently, of code being diked out, not because
it is not currently working, but because someone wished to
avoid maintaining it in the face of some sweeping change or
new idea they want to push into the project.

Or if you prefer an analogy: it is one thing for bits to rot;
it is another thing altogether to intentionally spray them
with Agent Orange.

-- Terry

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