On Wed, 02 Apr 2003 14:29:30 -0500 (EST)
John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I find an odd situation here whenever this topic comes up.  One the
> one hand, people are always wanting to split the entire base system
> up into small packages for each little piece of the base.  On the
> other hand, one of FreeBSD's selling points in real-world environments
> is that it doesn't have a bunch of little packages for the base system
> like Linux distros.  Do people really prefer something like having
> rpm's for /bin/ps to having one lump base dist for all of /bin, /sbin,
> etc.?

It really depends on where you draw the line. Personally, I'd rather
have a very minimal base system that's kept as a "whole" with additional
packages avaible for those who want them. Basically if I was to decide
on such things, I'd throw out CVS, BIND, g77, GDB, OpenSSL, SendMail,
games and crypto out of base and making them avaible through ports. But
that's all IMHO and not very likely to happen to FreeBSD in my lifetime

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