----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Moran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matthew Emmerton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Overall "feel" for the stability of FreeBSD 5

> From: "Matthew Emmerton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: "Bill Moran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > I'm considering setting up a FreeBSD 5 machine as a dedicated
> > > backup/archive computer on a network I administer.
> > >
> > > I'm curious to hear some opinions on how wise this is.  I know
> > > that 5 is still in a -CURRENT status and I've seen (and repeated)
> > > the warnings that it's not really production quality yet.
> > >
> > > So I'm curious as to a number of facets of its capibilities:
> > > 1) With the current developmet effort ... does it seem like 5.1
> > >    will be -STABLE ... or do folks feel that a -STABLE brand
> > >    is further off (5.2?)
> > > 2) For a dedicated backup server, that can tolerate the
> > >    performance problems that folks have been reporting, and
> > >    won't upset the entire office if it panics on occasion, is 5
> > >    good enough at this point?
> > >
> > > I know this is inviting a lot of opinion and conjecture ... but I need
> > > some idea of where I can go with this.  These folks need a solution
> > > soon, and I don't want to pass on something that's not ready yet.
> > > On the flip side, the nature of the beast means that it doesn't NEED
> > > to be a reliable as I normally expect a FreeBSD server to be, so
> > > there's a little more tolerance than usual.
> > >
> > > Any input is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > What's wrong with 4.8-RELEASE?
> Doesn't support DVD burning.
> Sorry ... forgot to specify my reasons ;)

What is the piece you're missing -- UDF filesystem support or ata driver

I've seen patches to 4-STABLE to add UDF filesystem support.  Perhaps that's
all you need.

Matt Emmerton

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