On Sat, May 31, 2003 at 08:18:10PM -0400, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Sat, 31 May 2003, Scott Long wrote:
> > It's been a matter of not having enough time, nothing more.  I *will*
> > address this one way or another before the release.  I apologize for
> > taking so long. 
> Ditto, here, unfortunately.  I managed to hose my sparc64 box a couple of
> weeks ago trying to upgrade it to run precisely these tests, but haven't
> had time to figure out how to recover it.

no need to apologize, as i said i am perfectly fine with people not
having time, and surely the RE team is taken by more urgent issues
these days. My mail was meant just as a reminder, nothing more.

As for the patch i posted: i don't claim it to be perfect, it might
contain some trivial bug such as passing the wrong variable to a
function, but hopefully those are things that a programmer who has
access to the box can find out and fix very quickly.

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