On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 03:30:19PM +0200, Marc Olzheim wrote:
> Hi.
> I've seen the question once before, but it was not answered (on-list ?),
> so now that I run in on it, I'd like to know what to do:
> On FreeBSD 4.x, without devfs, the following worked:
> ( echo foo | tee /dev/fd/3 | tr f F ) 3>&1
> It should produce both "foo" and "Foo"
> FreeBSD 5 with devfs, however, does not create a /dev/fd/3 upon opening
> filedescriptor 3 by the shell, so there's no device to write to...
> How can I fix or circumvent this, aside from mounting a ufs partition
> with mknod-ed files over /dev/fd ?

You want fdescfs(5).


   David P. Reese Jr.                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   It can be argued that returning a NULL pointer when asked to allocate
   zero bytes is a silly response to a silly question.
                                         -- FreeBSD manual page for malloc(3)
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