On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Doug White wrote:


> This might be fixable ... its overrunning a region definition which could
> be a simple bug that could be fixed by extracting the DSDT, convert to
> ASL, fix, recompile, and override. Of course you have to know ASL :)

No I don't really know but remember to have downloaded an acpi pdf
once... perhaps I should have read it ...

> > It is a MSI-6210 w/o SCSI onboard but MP. It's the latest BIOS
> > revision available for this board - I can check the version
> > on request but I do not really like rebooting again ;-)
> You should probably pester MSI and claim Linux has the same issue.  The
> magic L word might wake them up.

With that "magic" L**** that I almost entirely dropped beginning of
this year in favour of FreeBSD 5 a lot of more things didn't work
up to 2.5.xx that worked out of the box with a 5.x CD :-)))

Just for the archive link to the board's BIOS:

> If you want to be extra neat, use acpidump to extract the dsdt and in
> bundle that with your dmesg into a tarball I can download.


        msi-6120n-acpi.dsdt [1]
(extracted according to the instruction from acpidump manpage).


Bjoern A. Zeeb                          bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
56 69 73 69 74                          http://www.zabbadoz.net/
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