> I do a lot of C++ development on -current, and I have been seeing these 
> exact warnings.  The problem is in the fstream header, however, so there 
> is nothing you can do to your code to prevent the warnings.  You could 
> modify /usr/include/g++/fstream to silence the warnings, but it would 
> get overwritten if you upgrade your system.

Oh good :) I was thinking there was something I needed to add to make the
code compliant.

>  From your output, I don't see compile failures, I see warnings.  Do you 
> have -Werror turned on somewhere that wouldn't show up during normal 
> usage--like some environment variable or something?  I was able to 
> compile and run your code without issue here.
> Honestly, I am surprised that a GCC header would have an implicit 
> typename since the compiler clearly complains loudly about them.  At any 
> rate, I think the update to GCC 3.3 in -current is going to happen quite 
> soon, and presumably, the updated GCC C++ headers will have warnings 
> such as these fully eliminated.

You're right. These are warnings, and it does compile. I guess I got a bit 
stuck on trying to determine why the messages were occuring. 

Thanks for your comments.

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