Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> > If this is repeatable for you, it's recommended that you compile
> > Vinum statically into your kernel, so that you can look at the
> > other symbols in the traceback and obtain source lines for them,
> > as well.
> No.  It is explicitly discouraged.

It saves the dicking around with the .ko files.

> > It may be that this will be debuggable without that information, but
> > in my experience with similar problems, without a list of arguments
> > to the functions from a live remote debug session and/or a
> > crashdump, the problem is going to have to be found by an engineer
> > eyeballing the call graph and seeing how that particular line could
> > end up with a NULL in bp2 or bp.
> Terry hasn't read the debug instructions.  You can load symbols from
> klds.  See the links I pointed to.

I read them.  You didn't provide examples for a non-crashdump
debug session.  Rather than give him incorrect information, I
gave him a workaround that would guarantee that what information
he did obtain would, in fact, be correct.

If you would care to take over, without insisting that he be able
to produce a crash dump (which he has already stated that he has
had trouble doing), be my guest.

The best information I can get him, without finding some way to
fix his obtaining a crashdump issue (I myself have been unable to
obtain one off and on during long stretches, due to the changes
in that area by PHK), is to translate his ddb traceback into
source code line numbers.

-- Terry
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