On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:59:58AM -0600, David R. Colyer wrote:
> No doubt this has been answered before, but I have an asus p4pe with a 3.06 
> p4.  Naturally, it is enabled in the bios.  To enable hyperthreading do I 
> need to recompile my kernel with smp support, and if so...does this apply to 
> freebsd 5.1 release as well?  (my friend wants to know).  Additionally does 
> changing the machdep.cpu_idle_hlt to zero make it faster?  Thanks in advance.

Yes, you need SMP support in all releases.  As to your second question,
define faster.  It depends heavily on your appliction mix.  My guess is
that on a UP system which is doing something other then running a single
compute bound process it's going to be a minor win, but only measurement
will tell you anything.

-- Brooks

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