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Long/short syndrome.

On Tuesday, 12 August 2003 at 20:49:05 -0400, James Quick wrote:
> I am seeking feedback on the status of vinum, and whether the
> following plan makes sense as an upgrade plan for a host with a
> light load but whose downtime windows are short.  I am curious if my
> planned use of snapshots is risky in 5.1, I have used them in under
> a much older 5.0 version with no problems, but a lot has changed.

As of right now, recent changes in -CURRENT have broken Vinum.  I hope
to have time to fix it in the next day or two.

> I have not migrated my data onto the first of these drive since I
> need to configure one, migrate from 2 old drives, then put in the
> second new drive before continuing.  I also need to do as much of
> this work as possible without interruption.  My plan is, to build
> out the first set of partitions,

Have you read the documentation on this subject?  There are easier
ways.   I don't see that any of this is necessary.

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