On 19-Aug-2003 Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> Stephen Montgomery-Smith schrieb:
>>> Actually the power-off button doesn't work at all under 
>>> FreeBSD-current.  (It is a soft power-off button that dmesg shows is 
>>> detected by the OS.)
>> Have you tried to hold the power-button a little bit longer? My 
>> power-button turn the system off when I pres it for ~4secs (but I 
>> haven't a Tyan board).
> I tried pressing the power button for a longer time.  It does actually do 
> something.  After about 4 seconds, it has the same effect as "shutdown -p now" 
> or "halt -p", that is, the video card stops working, the fans keep going, and 
> the disk access light comes fully on.
> I am guessing that this 4 second delay is part of how FreeBSD wants it.  If that 
> is the case, it shows that the power button is working as it should - it is the 
> power-down process that is not working right.

No, the 4 second countdown thing is in the BIOS/hardware and is not OS
dependent at all.  If the box doesn't properly shut off when you hold
the power button for 4 seconds, that is a hardware or BIOS bug and
something FreeBSD has no control over.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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