On 19 Aug 2003, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> >Stephen Montgomery-Smith schrieb:
> >
> >>Actually the power-off button doesn't work at all under 
> >>FreeBSD-current.  (It is a soft power-off button that dmesg shows is 
> >>detected by the OS.)
> >
> >Have you tried to hold the power-button a little bit longer? My 
> >power-button turn the system off when I pres it for ~4secs (but I 
> >haven't a Tyan board).
> I tried pressing the power button for a longer time.  It does actually do 
> something.  After about 4 seconds, it has the same effect as "shutdown -p 
> now" or "halt -p", that is, the video card stops working, the fans keep 
> going, and the disk access light comes fully on.
> I am guessing that this 4 second delay is part of how FreeBSD wants it.  If 
> that is the case, it shows that the power button is working as it should - 
> it is the power-down process that is not working right.

        For what it's worth, I have a Tyan S2469GN with dual
Athlon MP's in it in a 3U rack mounted case.  The power button
acts as any other ATX "soft" power button I've ever seen, which
is to say, it does nothing unless I hold it down for four
seconds, at which point, all power is cut to the machine and it
is officially off at this point.  This is regardless of the state
of the OS.
>From dmesg:
acpi0: power button is handled as a fixed feature programming model.

and sysctl:
hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
hw.acpi.disable_on_poweroff: 1

        I'm running 5-CURRENT from a few days ago...

Mark Nipper                                                e-contacts:
Computing and Information Services                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas A&M University                        http://ops.tamu.edu/nipsy/
College Station, TX 77843-3142     AIM/Yahoo: texasnipsy ICQ: 66971617
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GG/IT d- s++:+ a-- C++$ UBL+++$ P--->+++ L+++$ E---
W++ N+ o K++ w(---) O++ M V(--) PS+++(+) PE(--) Y+
PGP++(+) t 5 X R tv b+++ DI+(++) D+ G e h r++ y+(**)

---begin random quote of the moment---
"Well, I too worry for all young lovers.  The darkness is not the
light, my child, and there are lights.  You are one of the
lights, dear Mina, the light of all light."

 -- Professor Abraham van Helsing, "Bram Stoker's Dracula", 1992
----end random quote of the moment----
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