Would it not be possible to make the snapshot file not appear in a
directory until it si finished? (I know that would be 'wierd'
but it would give a "guaranteed" solution..

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003, Kirk McKusick wrote:

> Robert Watson forwarded your posting to me as I am not as current
> on current as I should be.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 22:38:47 +0200
> > From: "[iso-8859-2] Branko F. Gračnar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: mksnap_ffs, snapshot issues, again
> > 
> > I have 900G array on a promise sx6000 controller
> > 
> > This is freshly formatted filesystem (newfs -L export -O 2 -U -g 48000 -i 2048 -m 
> > 0 -o space /dev/pst0s2d)
> > 
> > # df -i /export
> > /dev/pst0s2d 778742004 216194 778525810   0%       2 445159292    0%   /export
> > 
> > # mount | grep export
> > /dev/pst0s2d on /export (ufs, local, soft-updates)
> > 
> > let's try to create a snapshot of empty filesystem
> > 
> > # cd /export
> > # mksnap_ffs /export aaa.snap
> > 
> > ... after 30 minutes ... snapshot was not created (!!! On a empty
> > filesystem !!!)... Ok, long snapshot creation would be fine if it
> > would not hang all processes, which would like to do something on
> > /export (ls /export for example.). Filesystem cannot be unmounted.
> > mksnap_ffs process cannot be killed. Reboot and foreground fsck
> > helps.
> >
> > This is 5.1-RELEASE (without patches, with custom kernel -> just picked up generic 
> > kernel and removed uneeded stuff.)....
> > 
> > Any ideas, why is this happening? As i mentioned before, this prevents background 
> > fsck to make his job done (machine hangs.)
> > 
> > 
> > I would really like to solve this issue....
> > 
> > Brane
> ------------ Discussion -----------------
> Paul Saab kindly arranged a machine (tank.freebsd.org) with a 2Tb
> disk array on it for me to test. I enclose a copy of the `sysctl kern'
> output at the end of this message. I first ran my own test which
> involved creating a default configuration filesystem, taking a
> snapshot, and removing the snapshot. The scripted result is below.
> It shows that it takes 48 minutes to create the snapshot and 15
> minutes to remove it. But importantly, it shows that the filesystem
> is only locked down and inaccessible for 0.042 seconds of that 48
> minutes. The problem is that the 77,000 indirect blocks needed by
> the snapshot do not fit in the 300 kernel buffers allotted to it.
> So, every indirect block needs to be read and written approximately
> three times. Just to be sure that there was not something weird about
> your configuration, I also ran the same set of tests using your
> newfs parameters. Other than creating more cylinder groups the
> result (e.g., running time) was about the same.
> But, to get to the problem that you are having with accessing your
> filesystem. The problem is that although the filesystem is only
> locked briefly, the snapshot file is locked for the entire 48 minutes.
> Thus, if you touch the snapshot file (by for example doing a "stat"
> on it), then the process doing the stat will hang for 48 minutes.
> The next process to try and touch the snapshot will lock /export
> while it waits for the lock on the snapshot to clear. And at that
> point you are hosed for 48 minutes on all access to /export :-(
> So, I think that the best solution for you would be to try creating
> a hidden directory for the snapshot file, e.g., create a /export/.snap
> directory mode 700 owned by root, then create the snapshot as say
> /export/.snap/snap1. This way, it will be out of the way of all
> snoopy programs except those walking the filetree as root.
>       Kirk McKusick
> ------------ Results of my test -----------------
> Script started on Fri Aug 22 17:18:34 2003
> tank# newfs /dev/twed0
> /dev/twed0: 2097152.0MB (4294967292 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
>         using 11413 cylinder groups of 183.77MB, 11761 blks, 23552 inodes.
> super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
>  160, 376512, 752864, 1129216, 1505568, 1881920, 2258272, 2634624, 3010976,
>  3387328, 3763680, 4140032, 4516384, 4892736, 5269088, 5645440, 6021792,
>  6398144, 6774496, 7150848, 7527200, 7903552, 8279904, 8656256, 9032608,
>  9408960, 9785312, 10161664, 10538016, 10914368, 11290720, 11667072, 12043424,
>  12419776, 12796128, 13172480, 13548832, 13925184, 14301536, 14677888,
>  15054240, 15430592, 15806944, 16183296, 16559648, 16936000, 17312352,
>  17688704, 18065056, 18441408, 18817760, 19194112, 19570464, 19946816,
>  20323168, 20699520, 21075872, 21452224, 21828576, 22204928, 22581280,
>  < etc, etc, etc >
>  4283638624, 4284014976, 4284391328, 4284767680, 4285144032, 4285520384,
>  4285896736, 4286273088, 4286649440, 4287025792, 4287402144, 4287778496,
>  4288154848, 4288531200, 4288907552, 4289283904, 4289660256, 4290036608,
>  4290412960, 4290789312, 4291165664, 4291542016, 4291918368, 4292294720,
>  4292671072, 4293047424, 4293423776, 4293800128, 4294176480, 4294552832,
>  4294929184
> tank# dumpfs /dev/twed0 | head -22
> magic   19540119 (UFS2) time    Sat Aug 23 01:18:55 2003
> superblock location     65536   id      [ 3f47236f d612c37d ]
> ncg     11413   size    1073741823      blocks  1039959213
> bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
> fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
> frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
> minfree 8%      optim   time    symlinklen 120
> maxbsize 16384  maxbpg  2048    maxcontig 8     contigsumsize 8
> nbfree  129994899       ndir    1       nifree  268798973       nffree  20
> bpg     11761   fpg     94088   ipg     23552
> nindir  2048    inopb   64      maxfilesize     140806241583103
> sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384   csaddr  3000    cssize  184320
> sblkno  40      cblkno  48      iblkno  56      dblkno  3000
> cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   1
> flags   none
> fsmnt   
> volname         swuid   0
> cs[].cs_(nbfree,ndir,nifree,nffree):
>         (11373,1,23549,13) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) 
>         (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) 
>         (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) (11391,0,23552,0) 
> tank# ^ew^we
> tunefs -n enable /dev/twed0
> tunefs: soft updates set
> tank# mount /dev/twed0 /mnt
> tank# cd /mnt
> tank# df -i /mnt
> Filesystem 1K-blocks  Used      Avail Capacity iused     ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0 2079918426    2 1913524950     0%       1 268798973    0%   /mnt
> tank# df -i -g /mnt
> Filesystem 1G-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused     ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0      1983    0  1824     0%       1 268798973    0%   /mnt
> tank# sysctl -w debug.collectsnapstats=1
> debug.collectsnapstats: 0 -> 1
> tank# mount -u -o snapshot snap1 /mnt
> 0.000u 51.055s 47:57.80 1.7%    522+253k 191899+286461io 0pf+0w
> tank# ls -lis /mnt/snap1
> 3 1232048 -r--------  1 root  wheel  2199023346984 Aug 22 17:06 snap1
> tank % df /mnt
> Filesystem 1K-blocks     Used      Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0 2079918426 1232050 1912292902     0%    /mnt
> tank# rm -f snap1
> 0.000u 8.084s 14:39.67 0.9%     506+275k 65567+65536io 0pf+0w
> tank# egrep suspended /var/log/messages | tail -1
> Aug 22 18:04:02 tank kernel: /mnt: suspended 0.042 sec, redo 0 of 11413
> tank# exit
> Script done on Fri Aug 22 19:21:00 2003
> ------------ Results of your test -----------------
> Script started on Fri Aug 22 23:52:19 2003
> tank# newfs -L export -O 2 -U -g 48000 -i 2048 -m 0 -o space /dev/twed0
> /dev/twed0: 2097152.0MB (4294967292 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
>         using 17642 cylinder groups of 118.88MB, 7608 blks, 60864 inodes.
>         with soft updates
> super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
>  160, 243616, 487072, 730528, 973984, 1217440, 1460896, 1704352, 1947808,
>  2191264, 2434720, 2678176, 2921632, 3165088, 3408544, 3652000, 3895456,
>  4138912, 4382368, 4625824, 4869280, 5112736, 5356192, 5599648, 5843104,
>  6086560, 6330016, 6573472, 6816928, 7060384, 7303840, 7547296, 7790752,
>  8034208, 8277664, 8521120, 8764576, 9008032, 9251488, 9494944, 9738400,
>  9981856, 10225312, 10468768, 10712224, 10955680, 11199136, 11442592, 11686048,
>  11929504, 12172960, 12416416, 12659872, 12903328, 13146784, 13390240,
>  13633696, 13877152, 14120608, 14364064, 14607520, 14850976, 15094432,
>  < etc, etc, etc >
>  4287016864, 4287260320, 4287503776, 4287747232, 4287990688, 4288234144,
>  4288477600, 4288721056, 4288964512, 4289207968, 4289451424, 4289694880,
>  4289938336, 4290181792, 4290425248, 4290668704, 4290912160, 4291155616,
>  4291399072, 4291642528, 4291885984, 4292129440, 4292372896, 4292616352,
>  4292859808, 4293103264, 4293346720, 4293590176, 4293833632, 4294077088,
>  4294320544, 4294564000, 4294807456
> tank# dumpfs /dev/twed0 | head -22
> magic   19540119 (UFS2) time    Fri Aug 22 23:52:39 2003
> superblock location     65536   id      [ 3f470f37 1d9cb87a ]
> ncg     17642   size    1073741823      blocks  939239037
> bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
> fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
> frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
> minfree 0%      optim   space   symlinklen 120
> maxbsize 16384  maxbpg  2048    maxcontig 8     contigsumsize 8
> nbfree  117404877       ndir    1       nifree  1073762685      nffree  20
> bpg     7608    fpg     60864   ipg     60864
> nindir  2048    inopb   64      maxfilesize     140806241583103
> sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384   csaddr  7664    cssize  282624
> sblkno  40      cblkno  48      iblkno  56      dblkno  7664
> cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   1
> flags   soft-updates 
> fsmnt   
> volname export  swuid   0
> cs[].cs_(nbfree,ndir,nifree,nffree):
>         (6631,1,60861,13) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) 
>         (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) 
>         (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) (6655,0,60864,0) 
> tank# mount /dev/twed0 /mnt
> tank# cd /mnt
> tank# df -i /mnt
> Filesystem 1K-blocks  Used      Avail Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0 1878478074    2 1878478072     0%       1 1073762685    0%   /mnt
> tank# df -i -g /mnt
> Filesystem 1G-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0      1791    0  1791     0%       1 1073762685    0%   /mnt
> tank# sysctl debug.collectsnapstats
> debug.collectsnapstats: 1
> tank# set time
> tank# mount -u -o snapshot /mnt/snap1 /mnt
> load: 0.00  cmd: mount 3908 [biord] 0.00u 49.03s 0% 360k
> load: 0.07  cmd: mount 3908 [physrd] 0.00u 49.30s 0% 360k
> 0.000u 57.064s 47:55.13 1.9%    526+255k 222815+300336io 0pf+0w
> tank# ls -lis /mnt/snap1
> 3 1331856 -r--------  1 root  wheel  2199023396864 Aug 23 00:43 /mnt/snap1
> tank# df /mnt
> Filesystem 1K-blocks     Used      Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/twed0 1878478074 1331858 1877146216     0%    /mnt
> tank# rm -f snap1
> 0.000u 8.180s 10:25.82 1.3%     505+240k 65567+65536io 0pf+0w
> tank# egrep suspended /var/log/messages | tail -1
> Aug 23 00:15:30 tank kernel: /mnt: suspended 0.027 sec, redo 0 of 17642
> tank# exit
> Script done on Sat Aug 23 00:54:41 2003
> ------------ sysctl kern output -----------------
> kern.ostype: FreeBSD
> kern.osrelease: 5.1-CURRENT
> kern.osrevision: 199506
> kern.version: FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #0: Thu Aug 21 02:11:29 PDT 2003
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/TANK
> kern.maxvnodes: 70264
> kern.maxproc: 6164
> kern.maxfiles: 12328
> kern.argmax: 65536
> kern.securelevel: -1
> kern.hostname: tank.freebsd.org
> kern.hostid: 0
> kern.clockrate: { hz = 100, tick = 10000, profhz = 1024, stathz = 128 }
> kern.posix1version: 200112
> kern.ngroups: 16
> kern.job_control: 1
> kern.saved_ids: 0
> kern.boottime: { sec = 1061550694, usec = 491116 } Fri Aug 22 04:11:34 2003
> kern.domainname: freebsd
> kern.osreldate: 501105
> kern.bootfile: /boot/kernel/kernel
> kern.maxfilesperproc: 11095
> kern.maxprocperuid: 5547
> kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 262144
> kern.ipc.sockbuf_waste_factor: 8
> kern.ipc.somaxconn: 128
> kern.ipc.max_linkhdr: 16
> kern.ipc.max_protohdr: 40
> kern.ipc.max_hdr: 56
> kern.ipc.max_datalen: 152
> kern.ipc.nmbclusters: 25600
> kern.ipc.nmbufs: 51200
> kern.ipc.nmbcnt: 32256
> kern.ipc.nsfbufs: 6656
> kern.ipc.mbuf_wait: 64
> kern.ipc.mbuf_hiwm: 512
> kern.ipc.mbuf_lowm: 128
> kern.ipc.clust_hiwm: 128
> kern.ipc.clust_lowm: 16
> kern.ipc.maxpipekva: 10485760
> kern.ipc.maxpipekvawired: 5242880
> kern.ipc.pipes: 2
> kern.ipc.bigpipes: 0
> kern.ipc.pipekva: 32768
> kern.ipc.pipekvawired: 0
> kern.ipc.msgmax: 16384
> kern.ipc.msgmni: 40
> kern.ipc.msgmnb: 2048
> kern.ipc.msgtql: 40
> kern.ipc.msgssz: 8
> kern.ipc.msgseg: 2048
> kern.ipc.semmap: 30
> kern.ipc.semmni: 10
> kern.ipc.semmns: 60
> kern.ipc.semmnu: 30
> kern.ipc.semmsl: 60
> kern.ipc.semopm: 100
> kern.ipc.semume: 10
> kern.ipc.semusz: 92
> kern.ipc.semvmx: 32767
> kern.ipc.semaem: 16384
> kern.ipc.shmmax: 33554432
> kern.ipc.shmmin: 1
> kern.ipc.shmmni: 192
> kern.ipc.shmseg: 128
> kern.ipc.shmall: 8192
> kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 0
> kern.ipc.numopensockets: 23
> kern.ipc.maxsockets: 25600
> kern.dummy: 0
> kern.ps_strings: 3217031152
> kern.usrstack: 3217031168
> kern.logsigexit: 1
> kern.iov_max: 1024
> kern.cam.scsi_delay: 15000
> kern.cam.cd.changer.min_busy_seconds: 5
> kern.cam.cd.changer.max_busy_seconds: 15
> kern.cam.da.retry_count: 4
> kern.cam.da.default_timeout: 60
> kern.random.sys.seeded: 1
> kern.random.sys.burst: 20
> kern.random.sys.harvest.ethernet: 1
> kern.random.sys.harvest.point_to_point: 1
> kern.random.sys.harvest.interrupt: 1
> kern.random.sys.harvest.swi: 0
> kern.random.yarrow.gengateinterval: 10
> kern.random.yarrow.bins: 10
> kern.random.yarrow.fastthresh: 192
> kern.random.yarrow.slowthresh: 256
> kern.random.yarrow.slowoverthresh: 2
> kern.disks: twed0 ad2 ad0
> kern.geom.debugflags: 0
> kern.geom.collectstats: 1
> kern.elf32.fallback_brand: -1
> kern.init_path: /sbin/init:/sbin/oinit:/sbin/init.bak:/stand/sysinstall
> kern.acct_suspend: 2
> kern.acct_resume: 4
> kern.acct_chkfreq: 15
> kern.cp_time: 6158 0 148996 17012 17783789
> kern.openfiles: 69
> kern.kq_calloutmax: 4096
> kern.stackprot: 7
> kern.ps_arg_cache_limit: 256
> kern.ps_argsopen: 1
> kern.lastpid: 3850
> kern.randompid: 0
> kern.ktrace.genio_size: 4096
> kern.ktrace.request_pool: 100
> kern.module_path: /boot/kernel;/boot/modules
> kern.malloc: 
>         Type  InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
>  twe commands   255    16K     32K      266  64,512,8192,16384
>   ISOFS mount     1   256K    256K        1
>      atkbddev     2     1K      1K        2  32
>        isadev    21     2K      2K       21  64
>          GEOM   116    12K     83K     6174  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,65536
>      nexusdev     3     1K      1K        3  16
>       memdesc     1     4K      4K        1  4096
>     VM pgdata     2    65K     65K        2  64,65536
>    pfs_fileno     1    32K     32K        1  32768
>     pfs_nodes    20     3K      3K       20  128
>     UFS mount    26   379K    711K       41  64,256,2048,4096,8192
>     UFS ihash     1   256K    256K        1
>   UFS dirhash    69    13K     13K       69  16,32,64,128,256,512
>        dirrem     0     0K      1K     1011  32
>         mkdir     0     0K      1K        2  32
>        diradd     0     0K      1K     1045  32
>      freefile     0     0K      1K      175  32
>      freeblks     0     0K      5K      161  256
>      freefrag     0     0K      1K       40  32
>    allocindir     0     0K    329K   154001  64
>      indirdep     0     0K     52K    22901  32,16384
>   allocdirect     0     0K      3K      313  128
>     bmsafemap     0     0K     53K   149301  32
>        newblk     1     1K      1K   154315  64,256
>      inodedep     1   256K    265K     1369  128,256
>       pagedep     1    32K     33K      227  64,32768
>      p1003.1b     1     1K      1K        1  16
>    NFS daemon     1     1K      1K        1  256
>      NFS hash     1   256K    256K        1
>       NFS req     0     0K      1K     2240  64
>      syncache     1     8K      8K        1  8192
>     tseg_qent     0     0K      1K        2  32
>      in_multi     2     1K      1K        2  32
>      routetbl    38     6K      6K       96  16,32,64,128,256
>            lo     1     1K      1K        1  512
>         clone     1     4K      4K        1  4096
>   ether_multi     7     1K      1K        7  16,32,64
>        ifaddr    21     6K      6K       21  32,256,512,2048
>           BPF     3     1K      1K        3  128
>         mount    19     7K      7K       26  16,32,128,512
> MSDOSFS mount     1   128K    128K        1
>        vnodes    25     6K      6K      153  16,32,64,128,256
> cluster_save buffer     0     0K      1K        1  64
>      vfscache     1   512K    512K        1
>    BIO buffer     2     4K    185K      100  1024,2048
>           pcb    21     5K      5K     1730  16,32,64,2048
>        soname     5     1K      1K   594269  16,32,128
>          ptys     2     1K      1K        2  512
>          ttys  1110   143K    156K     2790  128,512
>           shm     1    16K     16K        1  16384
>           sem     4     7K      7K        4  1024,4096
>           msg     4    25K     25K        4  512,4096,16384
>      ioctlops     0     0K      1K      331  512,1024
>         DEVFS   107    17K     18K      217  16,32,128,4096
>   ATA generic     4     2K      2K        4  16,512
>    MD sectors     4    16K     16K       80  4096
>     taskqueue     3     1K      1K        3  128
>       MD disk     8     2K      2K      160  16,256
>       acpidev    55     1K      1K       55  16
>          sbuf     0     0K     33K     2205  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384
>          rman   115     8K      8K      481  64
>       acpisem    17     3K      3K       17  64,128
>      acpitask     0     0K      1K        2  16,32
>       mbufmgr   102   135K    135K      102  32,64,256,8192,16384
>        acpica   965    53K     54K    10560  16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048
>          kobj    97   388K    388K       97  4096
>  eventhandler    31     2K      2K       31  32,128
>       devstat    12    25K     25K       12  16,4096
>           bus   609    42K    133K     4434  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,16384,32768
>          SWAP     2   549K    549K        2  64
>     sysctltmp     0     0K      2K    21688  16,32,64,128,256,512,2048
>     sysctloid   125     4K      4K      125  16,32,64
>        sysctl     0     0K      1K      973  16,32,64
>       uidinfo     6     2K      2K      143  32,1024
>          cred    26     4K      5K     9207  128
>       subproc    85   292K    328K     4251  256,4096
>          proc     2     8K      8K        2  4096
>       session    20     3K      3K      409  128
>          pgrp    24     3K      4K      698  128
>      mtx_pool     1     8K      8K        1  8192
>        module   147    10K     10K      149  64,128
>          temp     7   117K    117K     7384  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,32768
>        devbuf   142   855K    905K   131522  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,16384
>         lockf     9     1K      1K      877  32,64
>        linker    33    93K     98K      103  16,32,256,1024,2048,4096,16384,65536
>     AR driver     1     1K      3K        5  64,256,2048
>        KTRACE   100    13K     13K      100  128
>       ithread    41     4K      4K       41  64,128
>        zombie     0     0K      1K     3779  128
>     proc-args    25     2K      2K    17589  16,32,64,128,256
>        kqueue     6     6K     10K   193053  256,1024
>          kenv   109     6K      6K      110  16,32,64,2048
>         sigio     1     1K      1K        1  32
>     file desc    71    18K     26K     3960  256,2048
>         dev_t   147    37K     37K      147  256
>     AD driver     2     1K      2K    21823  64,512
>       ATA DMA     2     1K      1K        2  64
> kern.ident: TANK
> kern.maxusers: 384
> kern.fallback_elf_brand: -1
> kern.kstack_pages: 2
> kern.uarea_pages: 1
> kern.sync_on_panic: 1
> kern.shutdown.poweroff_delay: 5000
> kern.shutdown.kproc_shutdown_wait: 60
> kern.sugid_coredump: 0
> kern.coredump: 1
> kern.corefile: %N.core
> kern.fscale: 2048
> kern.timecounter.nbinuptime: 35881781
> kern.timecounter.nnanouptime: 3
> kern.timecounter.nmicrouptime: 3883
> kern.timecounter.nbintime: 245389
> kern.timecounter.nnanotime: 34
> kern.timecounter.nmicrotime: 245355
> kern.timecounter.ngetbinuptime: 0
> kern.timecounter.ngetnanouptime: 3087
> kern.timecounter.ngetmicrouptime: 2181958
> kern.timecounter.ngetbintime: 0
> kern.timecounter.ngetnanotime: 0
> kern.timecounter.ngetmicrotime: 7012364
> kern.timecounter.nsetclock: 3
> kern.timecounter.hardware: ACPI-fast
> kern.timecounter.choice: TSC(-100) ACPI-fast(1000) i8254(0) dummy(-1000000)
> kern.timecounter.tick: 1
> kern.timecounter.smp_tsc: 0
> kern.threads.debug: 0
> kern.threads.max_threads_per_proc: 150
> kern.threads.max_groups_per_proc: 50
> kern.threads.max_threads_hits: 0
> kern.threads.virtual_cpu: 4
> kern.quantum: 100000
> kern.ccpu: 1948
> kern.devstat.numdevs: 3
> kern.devstat.generation: 1738
> kern.devstat.version: 6
> kern.kobj_methodcount: 58
> kern.log_wakeups_per_second: 5
> kern.log_console_output: 1
> kern.msgbuf: 
> kern.msgbuf_clear: 0
> kern.smp.active: 1
> kern.smp.disabled: 0
> kern.smp.cpus: 4
> kern.smp.forward_signal_enabled: 1
> kern.smp.forward_roundrobin_enabled: 1
> kern.nselcoll: 0
> kern.drainwait: 300
> kern.tty_nin: 3131
> kern.tty_nout: 368061
> kern.console: ttyd0,/ttyd0,consolectl,
> kern.consmute: 0
> kern.consmsgbuf_size: 8192
> kern.constty_wakeups_per_second: 5
> kern.rootdev: ad0s1a
> kern.filedelay: 30
> kern.dirdelay: 29
> kern.metadelay: 28
> kern.minvnodes: 17566
> kern.chroot_allow_open_directories: 1
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