PR about sleep delay causing a reboot on the second suspend.

(The above PR is after a fresh cvsup none of my usb patches)
A curious thing though is that I've got some usb code that I've been working 
on and if I apply that and then load the usb set the sleep_delay=0 and then 
plug in my mouse, the same type of behavior seems to happen.  I plug in 
mouse, it works, suspend while wiggling the mouse just to see how it handles, 
works fine, resume, detaches and reattaches, works fine.  Now I suspend again 
while moving the mouse and the system reboots.  It only seems to reboot like 
this at least for the usb when there are interrupts on the usb bus ie. mouse 
move.  I don't know if this is something similar that is happening with the 
ACPI or just some bad code on my part, but it caught my attention.

Anish Mistry

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