>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> Hi, I'm not sure if this is a known problem, but I don't see any
Mark> references to it. I've gone from 5.1-RELEASE to todays CURRENT
Mark> to try to get rid of a different panic (no news on that yet),
Mark> but I have hit this one.

Mark> If I boot my system with no floppy in the LS-120, the system
Mark> panics where atapicam creates da0 for it. If there is a disk in
Mark> the drive, it works fine.

Mark> As yet, I havn't got the details of the panic, but if this is of
Mark> interest to anyone here, I will be willing to provide them with
Mark> them (they wil have to be be copied out by hand, so I'm lothe to
Mark> do it if nobody is interested).

Mark> Sorry if this email is a little vague, its been a long week.

I'm just about to try to reproduce a panic along the same lines.  My
laptop has two ide channels with the hard drive on one and the DVD+R
drive on the other.  With yesterday's cvsup, it somehow finds a
phantom ad3 _only_ if the DVD+R is in it's bay.  With the DVD+R
removed, the system is still functional (luckily).

More info to follow as I get a kernel with debugging symbols in it.


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