On Monday,  1 December 2003 at 10:01:23 -0500, Robert Watson wrote:
> This is an automated bi-weekly mailing of the FreeBSD 5.2 open issues list.
> Show stopper defects for 5.2-RELEASE
>  +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  |   Issue   |  Status   |Responsible |            Description            |
>  |-----------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------|
>  |           |           |            |The new i386 interrupt code        |
>  |ACPI kernel|           |            |requires that ACPI be compiled into|
>  |module     |In progress|John Baldwin|the kernel if it to be used. Work  |
>  |           |           |            |is underway to restore the ability |
>  |           |           |            |to load it as a module.            |
>  |-----------+-----------+------------+-----------------------------------|

I'm currently investigating ACPI problems on a dual processor Intel
motherboard (re@ knows about this).  It looks as if the new code is
much fussier than the old code about the quality of the motherboard
BIOS: this machine runs fine on 5.1, but won't finish booting on
5.2-BETA.  Yes, this is probably an ACPI bug, but users aren't going
to see it that way: if we release a 5.2 which won't boot on a lot of
machines, people are going to blame 5.2, not the machine.  I think we
should ensure that there's at least a fallback for machines with
broken ACPI.

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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