On 04/08/2010 18:15, Garrett Cooper wrote:
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Devin Teske<dte...@vicor.com>  wrote:
Randi and I were discussion the possibility of having sysinstall
"remember" what you did and then able to write out a suitable
`install.cfg' file that could be subsequently used to perform a human-
less automated install with the same settings.

In a sense that's what our back-end / front-end is doing currently.

The program flow works like thus:

Front-end starts, queries all relevant information from back-end, Disks, Network Cards, etc, then proceeds to walk the user through the steps gathering enough information to perform an installation. This gives front-end control over its own data gathering logic from the user, since the way I do something in a QT GUI may not work via command-line without a mouse
or the other way around.

When we are done gathering information, the front-end writes out an install.cfg directive and starts the back-end processing it. The front-end then waits and displays backend output
to the user in a sane manner, allowing user to watch whats going on.


So with this method, its pretty much doing what you describe. Every install is a scripted install, and if you want to do unattended installs, you can use the front-end to generate all the options you want, copy and/or tweak the resulting config to be used again later.

If the backend is simply a library and not executable, then you'll end up needing scripting support or ways to run one implemented directly in each front-end, which can get
messy to maintain across curses/gtk/qt/web, etc.

Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software

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