The phabricator instance has shown that some review can be done more easily.

We've talked before about having periodic reviews of parts of the documentation. It turns out that experts rarely read the docs on things they know about, but are the ones that can produce very valuable feedback.

Phabricator probably does not lend itself well to reviewing our DocBook documents. The source and rendered versions are just too different to review easily, even for those who are familiar with DocBook.

Ideally, we'd be able to show a rendered HTML version of the document and let people comment on it.

There are commercial services out there for that, but also free Javascript implementations that we could use directly, like this:

Note that I am not suggesting this would go on our documentation web pages. Instead, we would create a small rendered version of part of a document, say one subsection out of a chapter, and put that up somewhere for review and annotation. At the end of a limited time, maybe a week or two, the annotations would be gone through, adapted, and changes applied. Then the process is repeated for a different documentation section. The annotated web page is just temporary.

The biggest problems I see are

  user authentication: so we can avoid spam and vandalism, and track
    suggestions by user.  For best results, this would use existing
    credentials and not require creating a new account

  logging: annotations must be saved until they can be processed

If these problems can be addressed, we can make it doc review easy for everyone.
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