Quoting Mark Linimon <lini...@lonesome.com> (from Tue, 30 Nov 2010 19:23:14 +0000):

Forwarded individually from a message initially posted to
freebsd-po...@freebsd.org.  Note: the patch has been updated from the
version first uploaded.


for the linux ports the SRC part looks OK (not tested).

For the ifndef part (linux ports)... this introduces the possibility to let the user specify LINUX_OSRELEASE somewhere. And this would override what would be set in the makefile. The result of this would be that the user could spoof a version which is different from what is available. In case of the "is the linuxulator in the kernel"-test, it would cause a failure of the build/install of the port if the user has a value set. This could open up a new case of error cases in the support mails. If you have a strong argument for this change, I do not object to it, but if you do not have a strong argument, I would prefer to not get this change.




----- Forwarded message from Mark Linimon <lini...@lonesome.com> -----

From: Mark Linimon <lini...@lonesome.com>
To: po...@freebsd.org
Cc: lini...@freebsd.org
Subject: CFR: patch to cleanup usage of SRC_BASE in various ports

I am trying to debug a problem in the package building scripts, and
in the process of debugging it, have found some inconsistencies with
ports that require kernel sources.  For installations that keep their
latest sources in /usr/src, this patch should have no effect; however,
for others (such as pointyhat, which has multiple src trees) this should
fix edge conditions with 'make describe'.

I would appreciate feedback on the following patch:




----- End forwarded message -----
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