On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 13:24:25 -0600, Juergen Lock <n...@jelal.kn-bremen.de> wrote:

 I see you use the nvidia blob (I use radeon with xorg drivers), did
you rebuild the nvidia driver port after upgrading to 8.2?  Or maybe
this has something to do with the vdpau support that was added to
flash with the last update and that others reported as possibly not
working properly on FreeBSD...

Aha! This is probably it!

I just upgraded my workstation at work to 8.2 (also nvidia) and I am not having the crash but I also don't have that newer flash version that includes vdpau support. I will downgrade the flash version at home and report back.

It would possibly also be wise to contact the maintainer and have him mark the port as BROKEN or conflicting or something if you're running nvidia so people don't run into this issue.


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