On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:31 AM, waleed ziad <wela64wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all, i am a student from Cairo , Egypt and i was hoping to
> participate at Google summer of code this year in FreeBSD organization
> i am interested in " VirtualBox shared folder support for FreeBSD
> guests" and i was hoping someone Could someone suggest the first steps
> I should take to understand the project better or any issues(or bugs)
> that I can look into ? and any skills i should acquire ? , thank all
> in advance .

Thanks for your interest! The project was part of GSoC last year already and
Oleksandr did make good progress with it but hasn't got it fully
working. Li-Wen Hsu
took over his work and fixed a few things and also put it on github:


So right now the best technical contact is Li-Wen Hsu and I guess he
can also tell
you what is blocking progress right now and if it's still a viable GSoC project.

Bernhard Froehlich
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