The build problems of virtualbox-ose are independent from the other
stuff. It seems
that for this option combination misses a few dependencies. I will
have a look at that
and it should be trivial to fix.

The kernel panic is a different story and has nothing to do with
virtualbox-ose and
it's options. Could you please check the options of
virtualbox-ose-kmod and rebuild
the kernel modules with DEBUG enabled and manually load them on the console
so that you are able to see the kernel debugger? Then please send me the output
of "bt" (backtrace).

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Evan Rowley <> wrote:
> Running "kldload vboxdrv" causes a panic.
> This is the main branch of virtualbox-ose 4.3.8 for amd64 available in
> ports, SVN commit 347141. It was compiled on FreeBSD 10-RELEASE.
> Options for X11, NLS, and QT were disabled. I also think an OpenGL
> option was disabled in either virtualbox-ose or one of it's
> dependencies, but I cant remember for certain.
> The original system install had the kernel, doc, and base sets. No lib32.
> Earlier compiles were failing because (I think) lib32 was missing.
> This was fixed by running "cd /usr/src; make toolchain"
> During the compilation of virtualbox-ose I recieved another compile
> error about missing libffi. I thought it was odd that the ports / make
> process did not take care of this dependency automatically. I
> mitigated that compile-time error by issuing a "pkg install libffi" -
> there was another dependency like this but I cannot recall what it
> was.
> After adding the two dependencies I was finally able to get a full
> compile. The end-product unforunatley doesn't work.
> Can I give any more details?
> On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Bernhard Fröhlich <> wrote:
>> Am 08.03.2014 20:45 schrieb "Evan Rowley" <>:
>>> Has this been successfully done with working kernel module on 10-RELEASE?
>>> I
>>> can't seem to get this working for myself. Is it only me? Has anyone else?
>>> By headless I mean without X11, without NLS, and without QT.
>>> Thanks,
>> What problem are you seeing and which vbox version did you try?
> --
>  - EJR

Bernhard Fröhlich
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