On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Beeblebrox <zap...@berentweb.com> wrote:
> I have {virtualbox-ose-4.3.12_1, virtualbox-ose-additions-4.3.12,
> virtualbox-ose-kmod-4.3.12} installed on system & "kldload vboxdrv
> vboxnetflt vboxnetadp"
> Certain Guest Addition (GA) features are working (like smooth mouse
> transition) but I cannot get USB devices detected and selecting "shared
> folders setting" gives message that GA is not installed and to obtain the GA
> iso etc.
> * I have defined shared folder for the VGuest in question
> * User is member of operator & vboxusers groups
> What must I adjust in order to get USB devices detected and shared folders
> working on the VM?

1) USB passthru does not work reliable on FreeBSD hosts yet (FreeBSD guests
on Linux/Windows should be fine)

2) Shared Folders for FreeBSD guests are not supported yet. There was a Google
Summer of Code project that did not finish last year. There is some
draft code and
a kernel module for it but it's not working yet. Shared Folders
support for Linux/
Windows Guests on FreeBSD hosts are working fine.

Bernhard Froehlich
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