At 9:59 AM +0100 8/23/99, Cillian Sharkey wrote:
>* if there are no passwd/group diffs found, don't print anything
>  out (not even the header). Same for setuid etc.  diffs.

I have one change to one of the scripts, the one checking for mail
spool files.  I changed it to recognize the spool file that the
script itself is sending, and not keep warning me about something
that it itself was doing.

>* For the 'df' status, only report filesystems that are over
>  a certain capacity (95% or only xxMb left etc..)

I think this would need to be "knob-ized".  I will ignore these
status reports for some time, and then some event comes up
where I am interested in reviewing all of them.  If a partition
goes over 90%, for instance, I will want to know if it's been
growing 1% a week for months, or if all the growth happened last

Garance Alistair Drosehn           =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer          or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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