please followup only in hackers.....

I've Just cvsuped freebsd RELENG_3 as of this evening (~21:00 mdt)
and using a rom built with etherboot 4.1b9 which has worked flawlessly for
the last couple of months. Tonight I getting 

Searching for server...
My IP xxx.yyy.zzz.www Server IP aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, GW IP fff.ggg.hhh.iii
Loading /disklessroot/hostname/kernel... FreeBSD-elf
Entry = 0xC01178A0
Segment -1, offset 00000000, read 00000200, loadpoint 00000000
text size 2 =0x001583fe 00000000 c0100000
Segment 2, offset 00000000, read 00000200, loadpoint 00100000
Segment 2, offset 00000000, read 00158400, loadpoint 00258200
Write trailing bit
data size 3= 0x00018780 00158400 C0259400
Segment 3, offset 00000000, read 00158400, loadpoint 00259400

Then the machine reboots ....

previously it did .....

My IP xxx.yyy.zzz.www Server IP aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, GW IP fff.ggg.hhh.iii
Loading /disklessroot/hostname/kernel... FreeBSD-elf
Entry = 0xC0117669
Segment -1, offset 00000000, read 00000200, loadpoint 00000000
text size 2 =0x001566c6 00000000 c0100000
Segment 2, offset 00000000, read 00000200, loadpoint 00100000
Segment 2, offset 00000000, read 00158400, loadpoint 00258200
Write trailing bit
data size 3= 0x00018604 001566c8 c02576c8
Segment 3, offset 000000c8, read 00156800, loadpoint 002576c8

then up comes the normal kernel boot messages to console....

I see a lot of changes have occured, the booting kernel is 

FreeBSD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.2-STABLE FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE #9: Thu Aug 26  22:
00:55 MDT 1999     root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/src/sys/compile/DISKLESS  i386

and was cvsuped on Aug 26 around 21:00 MDT

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When things can't get any worse, they simplify themselves by getting a whole
lot worse then complicated. A complete and utter disaster is the simplest
thing in the world; it's preventing one that's complex.       (Janet Morris)

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