Well, it has been a long time since I have needed to write an email with that
tagline.  Our primary NFS server had been up for almost 2 months with no
panics.  We did need to reboot it for a network change, but it was up for 28
days at that point.  Anyway.... here are the details:

dev = 0x20014, block = 2096, fs = /exports/home3
panic: ffs_blkfree: freeing free block
#0  0xc014b6cb in boot ()
#1  0xc014b950 in at_shutdown ()
#2  0xc01d50ef in ffs_blkfree ()
#3  0xc01d992c in indir_trunc ()
#4  0xc01d9688 in handle_workitem_freeblocks ()
#5  0xc01d7c28 in softdep_process_worklist ()
#6  0xc016f9b4 in sched_sync ()
#7  0xc013e56a in kproc_start ()
#8  0xc020328a in fork_trampoline ()

    0     0     0   0 -18  0     0    0 sched  DLs   ??    0:00.00  (swapper)
    0     1     0   0  10  0   496    0 wait   Is    ??    0:00.00  (init)
    0     2     0   0 -18  0     0    0 -      RL    ??    0:00.00  (pagedaemon
    0     3     0   0  18  0     0    0 psleep DL    ??    0:00.00  (vmdaemon)
    0     4     0 272  -6  0     0    0 -      RL    ??    0:00.00  (syncer)
    0    42     1   0  10  0 262900    0 mfsidl ILs   ??    0:00.00  (mount_mfs)
    0   140     1   0   2  0   816    0 -      Rs    ??    0:00.00  (syslogd)
    0   150     1  14   2 -12  1048    0 -      R<s   ??    0:00.00  (xntpd)
    1   155     1   0   2  0   836    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (portmap)
    0   158     1   0   2  0  1548    0 -      Rs    ??    0:00.00  (ypserv)
    0   163     1   0   2  0   804    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (ypbind)
    0   176     1   0   2  0   872    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (mountd)
    0   179     1   0   2  0   316    0 accept Is    ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   181   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   182   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   183   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   184   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   185   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   186   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   187   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   188   179   0   2  0   296    0 -      R     ??    0:00.00  (nfsd)
    0   191     1   0   2  0 262968    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (rpc.statd)
    0   196     1   0  10  0   208    0 nfsidl I     ??    0:00.00  (nfsiod)
    0   197     1   0  10  0   208    0 nfsidl I     ??    0:00.00  (nfsiod)
    0   198     1   0  10  0   208    0 nfsidl I     ??    0:00.00  (nfsiod)
    0   199     1  20  10  0   208    0 nfsidl I     ??    0:00.00  (nfsiod)
    0   205     1   0   2  0  1596    0 select Ss    ??    0:00.00  (amd)
    0   233     1   0   2  0   888    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (inetd)
    0   236     1   4  10  0   984    0 nanslp Is    ??    0:00.00  (cron)
    0   337     1   0   2  0  1276    0 select Is    ??    0:00.00  (sshd2)
    0   390   233   0   2  0  1452    0 -      Rs    ??    0:00.00  (nmbd)
    0 71340   233   0   2  0  3080    0 -      Rs    ??    0:00.00  (smbd)
    0 76993   337   0   2  0  1376    0 select I     ??    0:00.00  (sshd2)
    0 77721   337   0   2  0  1376    0 select I     ??    0:00.00  (sshd2)
 2717 77002 76993   0   3  0  1484    0 ttyin  Is+   p0    0:00.00  (bash)
    0 77008 77002   0  28  0  1488    0 -      T     p0    0:00.00  (bash)
 2717 77722 77721   0   3  0  1484    0 ttyin  Is+   p1    0:00.00  (bash)
    0 77727 77722   0  28  0  1488    0 -      T     p1    0:00.00  (bash)
    0   378     1   0   3  0   824    0 ttyin  Is+   v0    0:00.00  (getty)
    0   379     1   0   3  0   824    0 ttyin  Is+   v1    0:00.00  (getty)
    0   380     1   0   3  0   824    0 ttyin  Is+   v2    0:00.00  (getty)
    0   377     1   0   3  0   824    0 ttyin  Is+   d0    0:00.00  (getty)

FreeBSD stagger.cs.rpi.edu 3.2-STABLE FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE #0: Fri Jul 30 23:32:30 EDT 
1999     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/STAGGER  i386

And we are running with softupdates.

Additional details can be provided, this is all I can think of at the moment.

David Cross                               | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Systems Administrator/Research Programmer | Web: http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~crossd 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860            
Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD

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