On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Andrey Simonenko wrote:

> > What about incorporating this into FreeBSD's boot code ?
> FreeBSD boot code (/usr/src/sys/boot/i386/boot0) already uses LBA
> 'packet' interface and can boot system from beyond 1024 cylinder mark.

        Hm, I was not able to do so on the IBM's 13,5Gb drive. BIOS
reports that it uses CHS mode, but boot loader was unable to reach FreeBSD
partition above 1023 cylinder. Unfortunately I've had only two hours to
play with new hardware and can't investigate problem now.

> Here it is some lines from file README:
> -14------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q: I installed UNILOAD and it shows me empty, extended partitions.
>  How to make it don't show such partitions?
> A: Try to use intellect regime. Press <i>.
> -15------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Why not to made an 'intellect' mode as default ? It would be much
less confusing :).

        In any way, thanks for a good program.

Boris Popov

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