On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 07:25:45PM +0100, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 10:31:31AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Soren Schmidt writes:
> > : > Anything else I should know offhand other than "plug it in and use dump like
> > : > everything else"?
> > : 
> > : Not really...
> > 
> > Actually yes.  There is one thing you should know.  The ata tape
> > drives tend to be more flakey than their scsi brotheren.  This isn't
> > to say a specific drive won't be reliable, but in general I've found
> > that they are fussier and require more care and feeding than my old
> > Exebyte drives (Which should tell the old users of the 8200 and 8500
> > something here).
> It does, yes. I never had any desire to go for IDE tapes but I have now
> filed the idea as insane ;-)

Well I never have had any desire to do so EITHER, but the problem is that
one project I'm being sucked into is replacing NT-style machines with
FreeBSD/Samba ones (quite a nice niche application for small offices, 
natch) and the problem is those folks are VERY cost-conscious.

As in the $100 price difference for a DAT drive plus the extra couple
hundred for the SCSI controller is too much.  Yeah, I know IDE disks suck
too.  They don't care, and in this application the performance difference 
won't be noticable either.

Thus, the question.

BTW, I have older HP DAT drives (4 & 8gb models) that have several YEARS
of active use on them, and other than using a cleaning tape when the front 
panel "clean me" light flashes I've NEVER had ANY problem with them.

Karl Denninger ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Web: http://childrens-justice.org
Isn't it time we started putting KIDS first?  See the above URL for
a plan to do exactly that!

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