I'm working on a project where one process will be working with a 
stream of data from a series of separate processes.  We currently 
have an architecture where process A (the controller) starts up 
process B (the source).  The output from B is directed into a 
named pipe (created earlier with mkfifo).  Meanwhile, process C 
(the sink) is reading from the named pipe.  After B exits, A will 
start up a new one, and so one.  [Side note:  We have little control 
of process B.  It is a program from another source that simply 
outputs to stdout.  We redirect its stdout to the named pipe.]

This system works, but has occasional glitches where the output 
stream from C is momentarily interrupted.  They appear to be due 
to the 4K capacity of the pipe, combined with the fact that new 
data from B is not appearing in the pipe until after the pipe is 
completely empty.  As C reads, the size of the pipe decreases 
until it reaches 0, at which point it suddenly jumps back to 4096.  
Occasionally, C will read the pipe again after it has been emptied, 
but before B has finished filled it again.  When that happens, there 
is a momentary break in C's output, which is undesirable.

One thought I've had to try to resolve the problem is to use a 
regular pipe instead of a named pipe.  Process A would create a 
pipe, then fork off C which would keep its end of the pipe open for 
the duration of its run (days, weeks, months... this ain't NT! :)  
Then A would fork off the series of B processes, one at a time, with 
their stdout mapped to the input of the pipe.  

What I'm wondering is if there might be any problem with having a 
whole series of processes outputting to the same pipe, which is 
held open by a long-lived process at the other end of the pipe.  Or 
would this arrangement be likely to have the same problem as the 
current one?  For that matter, does anyone have better 
suggestions how to proceed?

Thanks for your insight, and please CC: me on replies.


Dave Walton                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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