On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Doug White wrote:

>That would be correct, at least looking at the appropriate code in
>/sys/kern/uipc_mbuf.c.  The read-only sysctls kern.ipc.nmbclusters and
>kern.ipc.nmbufs hold the max mbuf clusters and the max mbufs, respecively.
>kern.ipc.nmbufs is bound to an nmbufs value in there, but I can't figure
>out to what value it's initialized to.  

        `nmbufs' is actually NMBCLUSTERS * 4, unless a value is fetched from
  the environment (see `loader'). A similar initialization is done for
  `nmbclusters,' only nmbclusters defaults to NMBCLUSTERS unless something
  else is provided through the getenv() call (see `TUNABLE_INT_DECL').

>Increasing maxusers has the side effect of increasing NMBCLUSTERS
>according to this formula (from /sys/conf/param.c):
>#define NMBCLUSTERS     (512 + MAXUSERS * 16)
>You only have to override NMBCLUSTERS by hand if you want a truly gigantic
>(i.e. > 10,000) number of nmbclusters.  Just be VERY CAREFUL doing so
>since you can *reduce* the number, and that's not good!
>>From personal experience, 512 maxusers and 16384 nmbclusters is more than
>enough for just about anything -- just make sure you can handle a 17MB
>kernel. :-)

        Yes, that's exactly right. Good thing you pointed it out too. :-)
  However, increasing MAXUSERS also ends up increasing other global
  parameters in the kernel, so you could end up with a rather large kernel
  when all you really want to do is increase NMBCLUSTERS, and nothing else.
        But yeah, your point is very valid.


| Bosko Milekic                           | Coffee vector: 1.0i+1.0j+1.0k |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              | Sleep vector: -1.0i-1.0j-1.0k |
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