On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 14:25:46 -0500, James Housley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to find out the current % idle of the machine from within a
> program.  I have looked at the valuse provided by sysctl and found
> loadavg but not system idle.  I have also looked through the source for
> top and haven't been able to figure that out.  All pointers would be
> appreciated.

As another poster pointed out, all of the FreeBSD programs (top, vmstat,
xosview, ktop) get this stuff from kvm - which is a non portable (across
different versions of FreeBSD) interface.  FreeBSD also doesn't keep
these numbers on a per CPU basis on a SMP box.

I wrote a patch for fixing the SMP case and a KLD to get them via
sysctl. With slight modifications to the KLD, you can get those values
exported via sysctl.

The KLD is available at:



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