On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 11:02:38AM +0000, Didier Derny wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just read the announcement of the merge of BSDI and Walnut Creek 
> CDROM. (March 10 2000).
> I guess it's a sad day for FreeBSD. I can't imagine how a company selling
> it's own BSD could at the same time let another BSD free.

I can.  cf RedHat selling RH CDs, but having the .iso images and all
the RPMs downloadable.

> Has the FreeBSD project become the test-bed for BSDI ? or 
> the single user evaluation of BSDI...

I doubt it.  If it starts to happen, well, there's a fairly good
set of source we could use as a base which I've got lieing around
on a HDD somewhere.  I got it from cvsup3.uk.freebsd.org; you might
have heard of them...

> I think it is time to think to something else NetBSD ? OpenBSD ? Linux
> (which one?)

If I were you I'd wait for an actual problem before jumping ship.

Mike Bristow, seebitwopie  ``There's a lot to be said for shagging....''

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