> > CFLAGS= -O6 -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -pipe -s 
> -fexpensive-optimizations -ffast-math
> > 
> > COPTFLAGS= -O6 -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -pipe -s 
> -fexpensive-optimizations -ffast-math
> > 
I'll bet you can beat all of those with regular system management
optimizations. Killing daemons, using twm instead of kde, striping, buying
motherboards with fast memory buses.

All of those are proven to be stable, work on any UNIX (not just
FreeBSD/pentium) and there's a whole lot of books and howto's: "System
Performance Tuning", for example.

Once you've done that, I don't think a mere -O6 is going to give you more
than 1 or 2 percent of unstable extra performance. *shurg* Why bother?

    Kees Jan

 You are only young once,
      but you can stay immature all your life

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