In muc.lists.freebsd.hackers, you wrote:
> Is there a MT-safe implementation of gethostbyname() in FreeBSD (3.4/4.0)?
> On Solaris there is gethostbyname_r().  Calling gethostbyname() with in
> two threads cause both threads to block.

You seem to be talking about two different things:

1. A reentrant function - two different threads can be in the same function

2. A non blocking function.

Reading the code in /usr/src/lib/libc{,_r}, it appears to me that, the
FreeBSD implementation is not reentrant, and blocking. However,
gethostbyname calls poll(2), which causes a reschedule to another runnable
pthread, if any.

In your case, both the threads are waiting for a DNS server response,
so the thread scheduler doesn't have a thread to schedule.

I think it'd be very useful to have a non-blocking DNS lookup API (one
which exposes the underlying file descriptor) . Winsock has this. UNIX
netscape 4.x would freeze half as often if this was done right.


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