> I've got a machine I'm trying to use to break a /24 into a few smaller
> groups. I've got it options BRIDGE in the kernel, four ethernet cards
> (mx0, pn0, ed0, ed1), and need to figure out the right way to do this:

sysctl -w net.link.ether.bridge=1 is necessary to enable
bridging, and you need to set the address only on one of the
interfaces (if you want an IP for the bridge at all).


> I've got /24 on one side of the machine. I need a /27 (0-32) to be seen on
> both sides (the router is .1, the most of the machines I want to firewall
> are on .2-31). I have a NAS running from .33 to .190, and a /26 (192-255)
> for another subnet. The NAS and router are on the /24. The auth server,
> .6, needs to be able to communicate fairly directly with both the NAS
> (.10). I don't want the NAS behind the firewall. If it is, it will be on a
> seperate port. I'd tried running all three with a /24 netmask, but I still
> don't see packets getting forwarded. I  do have the sysctl set to 1 for
> that. (aka gateway_enable="YES").
> I'd apprecaite any input from the group.... Apoligize if I seem a little
> terse; it's late and I'm not all here....
> -----
> Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    |    
> -------------------------------------------------------
> "God gave them the ability to reproduce...
>       ... Science gave us the hope they won't." -KBK
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