In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Anatoly Vorobey writes:
: Use this simple prog to cough up the scancodes:

OK.  Looks like the new microsoft keyboard that I have does indeed
just send the scan codes.  I have just a few keys:

        Key             Down            Up
        Back            -32 106         -32 -22
        Forward         -32 105         -32 -23
        Stop            -32 104         -32 -24
        Mail            -32 108         -32 -20
        Search          -32 101         -32 -27
        Favorites       -32 102         -32 -26
        Web/Home        -32 50          -32 -78
        My Computer     -32 107         -32 -21
        Calculator      -32 33          -32 -95
        Sleep           -32 95          -32 -33

See a pattern :-)

-32 is 0xe0, which is also used to introduce the function keys like
Insert, Delete, etc.  So adding more shouldn't be too horrible.


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