On Wed, 3 May 2000, Christopher T. Griffiths wrote:
> I sent this to freebsd-questions with no luck.  I am desperately
> trying to figure out this problem.

I'll MFC the fix for this later this week.

> Christopher T. Griffiths              
> Engineering Department
> Quansoo Group Inc.
> Hello everyone,
> I have been working for a good part of the day trying to get my compaq
> system upgraded from 3.4 -stable to 4.0 -stable.
> I am using the following hardware:
> Compaq Proliant 1850R Server
> Smart Array 3200 Controller
> 1 Raid 1 array
> I have been running 3.4 for several months on this system with zero
> problems.
> I have followed all of the Instructions in the Updating file and setup a
> custom kernel configured to use the ata and ida drivers (attached).
> There is only one problem:
> I am getting the following on bootup when the kernel boots and tries to
> change to the root device I get the following:
> ta0-slave: ata_command: timeout waiting for intr
> ata0-slave: identify failed
> acd0: CDROM <CD-224E> at ata0-master using PIO4
> no devsw (majdev=0 bootdev=0xa0200000)
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/idad0a
> no such device 'idad'
> setrootbyname failed
> ffs_mountroot: can't find rootvp
> Root mount failed: 6
> Manual root filesystem specification:
>   <fstype>:<device>  Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
>                        eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
>   ?                  List valid disk boot devices
>   <empty line>       Abort manual input
> mountroot> ufs:/dev/id0a /
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/id0a /
> My /etc/fstab contains the following:
> # Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump
> Pass#
> /dev/idad0b             none            swap    sw              0       0
> /dev/idad0a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
> /dev/idad0f             /usr            ufs     rw              2       2
> /dev/idad0e             /var            ufs     rw              2       2
> proc                    /proc           procfs  rw              0       0
> I have tried rebuilding the bootloader but no luck.
> It seems that when I imput /dev/id0a into mountroot prompt it then mounts
> root and changes over to /dev/idad0a which is in my fstab.
> The funny thing is that there is no /dev/id0a in /dev and it will not
> allow me to build it either.
> I also posted a much more crazy post earlier but have since fixed most of
> the problems except this one.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Chris
> ---
> Christopher T. Griffiths              
> Engineering Department
> Quansoo Group Inc.

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