Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira wrote:
>         Backtracing showed that the problem was due
> to the malloc function inside the get_mem function.
> get_mem() is used to find out the largest possible memory segment.
> It incrementaly reduces the segment passed to malloc to alloc.
>         It is the malloc function allright. It core dumps on the
> 1st pass on get_mem(), there is no time to do_reduce. Very weird. ;(

Because FreeBSD overcommits, malloc() will only fail in case of
artificial limits being reached (like those of login.conf). If FreeBSD
suddenly finds itself in a position of not being able to meet the
previous commitments wrt to memory allocation, it will kill the
application with the largest memory allocations.

I'll bet you the fifth season of Babylon 5 this is what's happening. :-)

Try limiting the maximum memory allocation to the total physical RAM.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        Satan was once an angel, Gates started by writing a BASIC interpreter.

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